Executive Director of ICPO present on the 3rd Open Science Symposium on the Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate organized by NPOCE, May 8-10 2018, Qingdao

The “Northwestern Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (NPOCE)” is an international joint program endorsed by CLIVAR in 2010. The NPOCE program is designed to observe, simulate, and understand the dynamics of the Western Pacific Ocean (WPO) circulation and its role in low-frequency modulations of regional and global climate such as the western Pacific warm pool variability, ENSO, East Asian Monsoon, and the tropical cyclones.

3rd GEWEX-CLIVAR Monsoon Panel Meeting was Held on 6th and 8th May 2018 in Canmore, Alberta, Canada

Dr. M. M Ali, Executive Director, ICMPO and Monsoons Panel successfully organised and attended the 3rd GEWEX-CLIVAR Monsoon Panel Meeting May 2018 on 6th and 8th May 2018, alongside the GEWEX Science Conference in Canmore, Alberta, Canada during 6-11 May 2018.

Dr. Lawal completed his PhD program in Atmospheric Science with specialization in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), Seasonal Climate Prediction and Regional Climate Modeling at the Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, University of Cape Town (www.uct.ac.za). Dr. Lawal is presently participating in the International Research Project funded by the United Kingdom’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) – the African Science for Weather Information and Forecasting Techniques (SWIFT: https://africanswift.org/).
