IV International Conference on El Niño Southern Oscillation: ENSO in a Warmer Climate planning is well underway

After a rigorous selection process the Scientific Committee of ENSO2018 have selected 210 abstracts to be presented during the 3-day event (42 keynote and oral presentations and 168 posters), coming from 36 countries around the world.

Executive Director of the ICPO attended the Global Ocean Summit 2018 (GOS 2018)

Jose Santos Executive Director of the Internatioal CLIVAR Project Office, attended the Global Ocean Summit 2018 (GOS 2018) during 3-5 July, hosted by the Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao) QNLM.

The central theme of GOS 20128 was “Enhancing partnerships on Ocean Observation and Research” and focused on four topics: 1) ocean observation and prediction, 2) deep-sea research, 3) polar seas research, and 4) ocean sustainabiolity. Centering on those topics, reports and discussion was arrenaged; a poster highlight CLIVAR’s activities was presented.

Executive Director of ICPO attended the Second International Workshop on Regional Oceanic Numerical Modeling and Observation

The Second International Workshop on Regional Oceanic Numerical Modeling and Observation was organized by the Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NIUST) on July 2-3, 2018, The ED of ICPO was invited to give some remarks on CLIVAR during the opening session.

Executive Director of ICPO attended the Seminar for the establishment of the International Marine Science Popularization Alliance (IMSPA)

The Seminar for the establishment of the International Marine Science Popularization Alliance (IMSPA) was held at the Academic Exchange center of the Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao) on July 5th, 2018.
