3rd GEWEX-CLIVAR Monsoon Panel Meeting was Held on 6th and 8th May 2018 in Canmore, Alberta, Canada
The 3rd GEWEX-CLIVAR Monsoon Panel Meeting was organized on 6th and 8th May 2018, in association with the 8th GEWEX Science Conference held in Canmore, Alberta, Canada during 6-11 May 2018. Dr. M. M. Ali, Executive Director, ICMPO, IITM, Pune, India organized the meeting and attended the science conference. The participants to the MP meetings were Dr. Andrew Turner (Co-chair), Dr. Francoise Guichard (Co-chair), Dr. Aurel Moise and Dr. Alice Grimm (members). Dr. Annamalai participated through the GoToMeeting Telecon arranged by ICMPO on 6th and 8th May Canada Time.
Besides discussing the scientific progress that took place in Monsoon predictions, the panel discussed about the ongoing and upcoming projects. The panel also discussed on the panel updates and about including the new members in the panel. In order to enhance the interaction between CLIVAR and GEWEX, four members from the GEWEX Panel were invited to attend the second meeting on 8th May and discussed the modalities.