CASO Projects
The following is a list of projects specifically under the CASO umbrella, though there are many others that are of relevance to CASO aims:
- An enhanced network of Antarctic Sea Ice Buoys: an optimal deployment for the International Polar Year 2007-2008 developed by the WCRP/SCAR International Programme for Antarctic Buoys
- Transport through gaps across the Kerguelen Plateau and inter-basin exchange (Cross-Kerguelen Exchange)
- Diapycnal and Isopycnal Mixing Experiment in the Southern Ocean: Mixing in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (DIMES)
- SOChIC - A multidisciplinary study in the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean and in the Ross Sea. (SOChIC: Southern Ocean Chokepoints - an Italian Contribution)
- Deep Ventilation and Ice Variability from proxy records (VEnICE from proxy)
- Search for Key-Events in Polar regions TrIggering abrupt Climate changes (SKEPTIC)
- Improvement of regional altimeter corrections and tracking of eddies in the high-latitude Southern Ocean (IRACETSO)
- Weddell and Ross Corridors, Polar Climate Transects; United States Contribution to CASO (Climate in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean) (Weddell and Ross Corridor Arrays [WRCA])
- Sampling ocean-sea ice interaction in the Antarctic Dipole centers (ADP moorings)
- Russian Antarctic Oceanography Studies (RAOS)
- Inter-Ocean Exchange (Inter-Ocean Exchange)
- Studies on Antarctic Ocean and Global Enviornment (STAGE)
- Monitoring of the upper ocean circulation, transport and water masses between Africa and Antarctica
- Sea Ice Mounted Oceanographic Profiler (SIMOP)
- Biogeochemistry of the southern Ocean: interactions between Nutrients, dynamics, and ecosystem Structure (BONUS-GoodHope)