PAGES/CLIVAR Intersection Working Group (PAGES)


The CLIVAR/PAGES Working Group is jointly sponsored by PAGES and the Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) project of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), and plays an important role in developing and implementing the overlapping research interests of both these programmes.

The formation of the intersection was predicated on the idea that paleoclimate studies provide a useful adjunct to studies of modern climate variability and likely future change. Since its establishment in the mid-1990s, the goals of the intersection have evolved with the changing focus of each parent organisation. The goals are detailed in the CLIVAR/PAGES Vision Document.

Terms of Reference

1. Promote improved high resolution, well-dated, quantitative paleoclimate records with seasonal to interannual resolution in regions which are of direct relevance to IGBP and WCRP.

2. Formulate and promote, in collaboration with PAGES and CLIVAR, a programme for analyzing and synthesizing paleoclimatic data in order to reveal evidence of patterns of variability within the climate system over seasonal to millennial time scales.

3. Promote improved quantitative methods of model-data comparison and evaluation in order to understand the variability present in both the paleoclimatic record and the models.

4. Promote the use of paleoclimate data to examine issues of climate predictability.

5. Coordinate with other modeling activities of relevance to IGBP and WCRP.

Upcoming Opportunities for CLIVAR/PAGES Collaboration

The CLIVAR/PAGES working group are working towards fostering greater collaboration between the CLIVAR and PAGES communities.


The call for nominations to the CLIVAR panels and Scientific Steering Group (SSG) is now open, with appointment starting in January 2025 and January 2026 respectively.

The call for nominations to the CLIVAR panels and Scientific Steering Group (SSG) is

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PAGES Panel Members

Name Role Institute Country
Valerie Masson-Delmotte Deputy Director 2012 Lab. Modelisation du Climat et l'Environment France
Gavin Schmidt Deputy Director 2012 NASA GISS & Centre for Clim System Res., Columbia Univ. USA
Joelle Gergis Director 2014 University of Melbourne Australia
Johann Jungclaus Director 2012 Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Germany
Hans Linderholm Director 2014 University of Gothenburg Sweden
Yi Wang Director 2014 University of Sussex UK
Michael E Mann Director 2012 Earth System Science Center, Pennsylvania State University USA