Call for papers for the Special Collection at AMS: The atypical 2014-2024 ENSO decade

Call for papers for the Special Collection at AMS: The atypical 2014-2024 ENSO decade
We would like to draw your attention to submit papers to the Special Collection of the American Meteorological Society organised by CLIVAR members, which explores the unusual variability and evolution of the El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the past decade, including the underlying processes and atmosphere-ocean teleconnections, impact on the physical-biogeochemical system, predictability and prediction, among other related topics.

Wyrtki Symposium and ENSO Winter School 2025

The year 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of two milestone events of early El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) research that involved Klaus Wyrtki of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, a pioneering oceanographer who made groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of ENSO: The publication of his seminal Journal of Physical Oceanography 1975 paper: “El Niño—The dynamic response of the equatorial Pacific Ocean to atmospheric forcing”, and the launch of the El Niño Watch Expedition to verify the first ever El Niño forecast based on a statistical model using the Sou

CLIVAR SSG member, Dr Roxy Mathew Koll of IITM Pune has been awarded the most prestigious award in India

CLIVAR SSG member, Dr Roxy Mathew Koll of IITM Pune has been awarded the most prestigious award in India: the Rashtriya Vigyan Pusarkar: Vigyan Yuva Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award 2024 in Earth Science, for his outstanding contribution in the study of Indian Ocean warming and its implication on Indian Monsoon and marine productivity.  His work provides insight to build better networks and models for predicting monsoon extremes.

Obituary: Dr Howard Cattle

Dr Howard Cattle

We are saddened to hear of the passing away of Dr Howard Cattle, Director of the International CLIVAR Project Office (ICPO) from 2002 to 2010 while it was at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK. 

Position Announcement Administrative Assistant at International CLIVAR Project Office

CLIVAR ( is a Core Project of the World Climate Research Programme ( dedicated to understanding the role of the ocean in the variability, predictability and change of climate and to the benefit of society and the environment in which we live. Each of the Core Projects has an International Project Office that acts as an extension of the WCRP Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that has the overall responsibility for all the WCRP Core Projects.

Position Announcement STAFF SCIENTIST at International CLIVAR Project Office

CLIVAR is a Core Project of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) dedicated to understanding the role of the ocean in the variability, predictability and change of climate and to the benefit of society and the environment in which we live. The International CLIVAR Project Office (ICPO) serves as the executive arm of the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group and its panel and working groups. The ICPO is based at the Ocean University of China (OUC), Qingdao, China. The OUC and WCRP invite applications for the position of ICPO Staff Scientist.



Position Announcement SENIOR STAFF SCIENTIST at International CLIVAR Project Office

CLIVAR is a Core Project of the World Climate Research Programme dedicated to understanding the role of the ocean in the variability, predictability and change of climate, to the benefit of society and the environment in which we live.  The International CLIVAR Project Office (ICPO) serves as the executive arm of the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group and its panel and working groups. The ICPO is based at the Ocean University of China (OUC), Qingdao, China.  The OUC and WCRP invite applications for the position of ICPO Senior Staff Scientist.
