NORP-SORP workshop on polar fresh water: Sources, Pathways and ImpaCts of frEsh water in northern and soUthern Polar oceans and seas (SPICE UP)

NORP-SORP workshop on polar fresh water: Sources, Pathways and ImpaCts of frEsh water in northern and soUthern Polar oceans and seas (SPICE UP)

Online, 19/20/21 Sep (3 half-days), 2022

Polar and global fresh water need YOU!!! Register here now!

1. Description

Impact of extratropical thermal forcing in the simulation of tropical Atlantic-Pacific basin interactions

A recent paper on this subject by researchers at the University Complutense of Madrid examines the role of tropical convection, specially the location of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), in the occurrence of the two main tropical Atlantic-to-tropical Pacific basin interactions: the equatorial Atlantic to equatorial Pacific teleconnection, and the North Tropical Atlantic to equatorial Pacific teleconnection.
