7th Argo Science Workshop

This international workshop is hosted by Euro-Argo and will take place at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels on 11-13 October 2022, as a hybrid event with in-person and virtual attendance options.

MULTI-SITE WORKSHOP: FilaChange, an international conference on ocean processes linking filaments and finescales (1-100 km) with climate change

A SWOT-AdAC and CLIVAR-OMDP initiative, the FilaChange, an international conference on ocean processes linking filaments and finescales (1-100 km) with climate change, a MULTI-SITE WORKSHOP will be held during 29 August – 2 September 2022.

CLIVAR CDP telecon took place in April

The CLIVAR Climate Dynamics Panel (CDP) held its first telecon in 2022 on 13th April, right after the CLIVAR SSG-27. Most of the CDP members joined this meeting.

With the joining of two new members, this meeting began with the introduction of CDP by Sarah Kang, one of the co-chairs of the panel. She presented the ambition and current scientific priorities of CDP, the activities in 2021 and the future plans. After that, each member introduced themselves, mainly about their research fields.
