[Abstract Submission Extended] CLIVAR CDP annual workshop:External versus internal variability on decadal and longer time scales

The International CLIVAR Climate Dynamics Panel (CDP) plans to organize workshops annually. The first CDP annual workshop will target our understanding of internal and externally forced variability in the climate system, their interaction on decadal timescales and longer, and the effects of variability on extreme events. We invite submissions on the topic with the aim of tackling the following overarching questions:

How to isolate the relative contributions of external and internal variability to observed decadal and longer variability?

How do the various external forcings modulate internal variability 

Progress in narrowing observational and modeling uncertainties in external and internal variability

Effects of external and internal variability on extreme events

We welcome abstracts based on models (including SMILEs), theory, historical and proxy observations, novel methods (e.g., ensemble paleoclimate reanalysis).

Abstract submission extended to 1st July 2022. Please see here for more information.

Submission link: https://zh.surveymonkey.com/r/L6Y5ZQT