Wenju Cai Elected as 2022 AGU Fellow

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) has elected fifty-four individuals to the 2022 Class of Fellows. Dr Wenju Cai, co-chair of the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group (SSG), is included in this prestigious group.

These AGU Fellows have earned this recognition because of remarkable innovation and/or sustained scientific impact. In addition, each Fellow embodies AGU’s values by fostering equity, integrity, diversity, and open science; by mentoring; through public engagement; and in their communications.

IPOs and WCRP Secretariat Telecon

The regular International Project Offices (IPOs) and WCRP Secretariat Telecon was organised on 22nd September 2022, with the participation of IPO staff from CLIVAR, SPARC, S2S, IMPO, CMIP, CORDEX, and WCRP Secretariat, and the meeting was hosted by CMIP IPO. IPOs and WCRP Secretariat reported their highlighted activities during the period of June to September 2022. The key uptakes from the meeting that are related to CLIVAR are:

IORP Telecon organised on Aug. 30

IORP organised a telecon on 30 August 2022, with the participation of Juliet Hermes, Roxy Mathew Koll, Birgit Gaye, Dwi Susanto, Bernardino Sérgio Malauene, Marie-Alexandrine Sicre, Janet Sprintall, Shikha Singh, Eluri Pattabhi Rama Rao, Lisan Yu, Motoki Nagura and Jing Li from ICPO.
