Northern Oceans Region Panel has been established by CLIVAR and CliC

At the just concluded 23rd session of the CLIVAR SSG meeting in Pune, India in November 2017, the proposal of the CLIVAR/CliC Northern Oceans Region Panel (NORP) membership was approved, which marks the official establishment of the CLIVAR/CliC Northern Oceans Region Panel. The NORP is co-chaired by Drs Amy Solomon and John Fyfe.

ICPO participated in the First Healthy Ocean Innovation and Development Conference

From December 16th to 17th, Jose Santos and Jing Li were invited to participate in the First Healthy Ocean Innovation and Development Conference, in Huangdao. Jose briefly introduced CLIVAR by highlighting planetary heat balance and ocean heat storage; ocean observations and ocean modelling for healthy ocean development.
