
The Regional Training Workshop on Observing the Coastal and Marginal Seas in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) was successfully organized from 7 to 9 June 2022, in a hybrid format, with 25 in-person participants in Maputo, Mozambique and over...

The CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel (PRP) held a telecon on 2 June 2022, mainly for sharing updates on various activities by PRP members, discussing the SSG feedback to the PRP annual report and the possible options for the next PRP in-person meeting. Ten PRP members and Jing Li from ICPO attended the telecon.

Dr. Cristian Martinez-...

The 27th Session of the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group (SSG) took place on April 1, 4 & 5, 2022, bringing together over 40 scientists from all over the world, including the CLIVAR SSG members, co-chairs of CLIVAR panels, Research Foci (RF) and WCRP Sea Level Grand Challenge (GC), as well as the invited representatives from the UN Ocean Decade, US CLIVAR, WCRP Secretariat, and from...

Figure: Regressions of the JJAS (a,d), SOND (b,e) and NDJF (c,f) SST (C) onto the JJAS Atl3 index for the control (CTL; a,b,c) and the perturbed (AtlSim; d,e,f) simulations. Gray (black) contours show significant correlations at the 95% (90%) level.

Tropical basin interactions (TBI) are receiving increasing attention, as illustrated by the establishment of the...

A workshop titled 'From Global to Local: Cultivating New Solutions and Partnerships for an Enhanced Ocean Observing System in a Decade of Accelerating Change' is being organised by the CLIVAR community in close cooperation with GOOS and with the support of ICTP, WCRP and US CLIVAR. The workshop is rescheduled for 15-17 August 2022 at ICTP, Trieste...

This international workshop is hosted by Euro-Argo and will take place at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels on 11-13 October 2022, as a hybrid event with in-person and virtual attendance options.

The workshop aims to bring together ocean science research that has employed Argo data and products to further improve our knowledge of the changing...

Climate observations are of fundamental importance for reconstructing, monitoring, understanding, attributing, predicting, projecting, mitigating, and adapting to climate change. They are instrumental for assessments and policy implementations, such as the IPCC and the 2015 Paris Agreement. The need for systematic climate observations is increasing with the growing urgency for adaptation...

The CLIVAR/CliC Northern Oceans Region Panel organized its teleconference on 21 April, 2022, with the participation of NORP members and the new ex-officio members, Alexandra Jahn and Julienne Stroeve.

NORP members introduced their backgrounds so that the ex-officios had an overall view of NORP. After that, members presented the updates of NORP’s two main activities: the NORP/SORP joint...

The CLIVAR Climate Dynamics Panel (CDP) held its first telecon in 2022 on 13th April, right after the CLIVAR SSG-27. Most of the CDP members joined this meeting.

With the joining of two new members, this meeting began with the introduction of CDP by Sarah Kang, one of the co-chairs of the panel. She presented...


The 3rd Summer School on Theory, Mechanisms and Hierarchical Modeling of Climate Dynamics: Tropical Oceans, ENSO and their teleconnections, will be organized at the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy from 18 - 29 July 2022 in a hybrid format. The summer school is co-...

The 18th Session of CLIVAR/IOC GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP) held virtually on 23 March 2022, alongside the annual meetings of other Indian Ocean partners, i.e. Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (SIBER) of IMBeR, IndOOS Resource Forum (IRF), International Indian Ocean Expedition-2 (IIOE-2) Steering Group, IOGOOS and...

Figure: Polar Amplification simulated by CMIP5 and CMIP6 climate models for the temperature thresholds of +1.5°C, 2.0°C and 3.0°C global mean warming under RCP8.5 and SSP585 scenarios of northern and southern hemispheres high latitudes. The boxplots indicate the central 50% intermodal range (25% - 75%), the median and upper and lower boundaries in the CMIP models....

A recent study ( led by Dr Luciano Pezzi, member of the CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel, was published in Climate Dynamics. This work brings a new approach to the study and understanding of the oceanic surface cooling that the oceanic South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ)...
