[Call for Registration] CLIVAR-GOOS-ICTP Workshop: From global to coastal: Cultivating new solutions and partnerships for an enhanced Ocean Observing System in a decade of accelerating change

A workshop titled 'From Global to Local: Cultivating New Solutions and Partnerships for an Enhanced Ocean Observing System in a Decade of Accelerating Change' is being organised by the CLIVAR community in close cooperation with GOOS and with the support of ICTP, WCRP and US CLIVAR. The workshop is rescheduled for 15-17 August 2022 at ICTP, Trieste, Italy and online. The workshop will bring members across different CLIVAR panels, observing system scientists and leaders together with invited speakers from developing rim nations to discuss priorities and cross-cutting strategies as well as explore new partnerships for the expansion of the regional ocean observing systems.
The daily themes for the 3-day workshop are:
- Day1: Societal and scientific drivers of regional ocean observing systems
- Day 2: Connect observation-modeling-prediction
- Day 3: Multi-disciplinary and innovative observing system and expansion into coastal zones
Registration to the workshop is now open. Please follow the link from the webpage http://indico.ictp.it/event/9821/ and on the left-hand bar: "Apply Here" to enter the application system. You can refer to the 'Registration Guidelines' for more instructions.
A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. Funding requests can be indicated in the applications.
Deadlines: 15 June 2022 for abstracts submission and grant application; 31 July 2022 for all other applications
For more details of the workshop, please refer to the webpage.