
The CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel (ARP) telecon was organised on 18 July 2022, with the participation of Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Regina Rodrigues, Jennifer Veicht, Olga Sato, Kemgang Ghomsi Franck Eitel, Ingo Richter, Gregory Foltz, Susan Bates, Dariia Atamanchuk and Jing Li (ICPO). 

The meeting covered the following items during...

Soline Bielli, Uwe Send, Aneesh Subramanian, Aneesh Subramanian, Aida Alvera-Azcárate, Masuda shuhei, Peter Oke, Nathalie Zilberman, Soline Bielli, Pablo Canziani, Uwe Send, Francois Counillon, Yonghong Yin, Louis Clement.


00 - Welcome, Peter and Nathalie
05 - Meeting update, Nathalie
15 - New member talk,...

CLIVAR ( is a Core Project of the World Climate Research Progamme ( dedicated to understanding the role of the oceans in the variability, predictability and change of climate. The International CLIVAR Project Office serves as the executive arm of the CLIVAR...

Delayed by the global COVID-19 outbreak, the 2nd CLIVAR-FIO Summer School on ‘Ocean Macroturbulence and Its Role in Earth’s Climate’, which was originally planned for June 2020, was successfully organised from 15th to 20th August 2022 in Qingdao, China and online, back-to-back with the 11th Training Course of the UNESCO-...

The CLIVAR/GOOS/ICTP workshop: 'From global to coastal: Cultivating new solutions and partnerships for an enhanced Ocean Observing System in a decade of accelerating change' was successfully organised from 15th to 17th August 2022 in Trieste, Italy and online. This workshop brought members across different CLIVAR...

Dr. Molinari and his wife Pat, at the ICPO in Southampton in 2010; with Jacky Wood, former Head of the National Marine Coordination Office (left), Kate Stansfield, former ICPO Staff Scientist (bottom centre); and Sandy Grapes, former ICPO Personal Assistant (right).

We are very sad to announce that Bob Molinari, former Director of the International CLIVAR Project Office,...

103rd AMS Annual Meeting will be organised on 8–12 January 2023 in Denver, Colorado, USA. The call for abstracts is now open until August 31, 2022. Some CLIVAR related sessions are listed below. ...

Artistic depiction of Miramare, near ICTP, by Betsy McPhaden

The 3rd Summer School on Tropical Oceans, ENSO and their teleconnections took place at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy, during July 18-29, 2022. The first week...

Ocean salinity is a key variable within the Earth’s water cycle and a key driver of ocean dynamics. Sea surface salinity (SSS) and subsurface salinity have been identified as Essential Climate Variables by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and Essential Ocean Variables by the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). Through the advent of new observing technologies for salinity and the...

A teleconference with the participation of members of the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Organizing Committee of the SPARC General Assembly was held on 21st July at 1 pm UTC. Fangli Qiao and Yajuan Song from the First Institute of Oceanography (host of the Asia hub), and Jose Santos and Qian Zhao from the ICPO participated in the meeting.

Stefanie Kremser (SPARC IPO...

The call for nominations to the CLIVAR panels and Scientific Steering Group (SSG) is now open, with appointment starting in January 2023 and January 2024 respectively. Nominations can be submitted online via the nomination form, deadline for the submission is 14 October 2022. Detailed information...

CLIVAR participated in the 43rd Meeting of the WCRP’s Joint Steering Committee (JSC-43), organized virtually from 27 - 30 June 2022. The meeting aimed to assess the progress made by the core projects and lighthouse activities (LHA) towards WCRP's goals and the ambitions and plans for the future of...

A Frontier in Marine Sciences special issue on "Climate Services for Adaptation to Sea-Level rise" is now available online. This Research Topic contributes to better understanding of the status of climate services for coastal adaptation. It builds upon a workshop...

On June 22-23, 2022, the 2022 East Asia Marine Cooperation Platform (EAMCP) Qingdao Forum with the theme “Embrace the Ocean Decade for a Shared Future” was held at the Qingdao World Expo City. The Forum consisted of 10 major events, including the Opening Ceremony & Main Forum, Seven Sub-Forums, Global Marine Tech Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest (Final) and East Asia Marine Expo....
