
Right ahead of the Chinese Spring Festival, the Northwestern Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (NPOCE), a CLIVAR endorsed project, organised its 2021 Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) annual meeting on 28th January 2022 by online platform. Wenju Cai and Sonya Legg, co-chairs of CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group (SSG), and Antonietta Capotondi, co-...

The CLIVAR Research Focus on Tropical Basin Interaction held a teleconference on 2nd February 2022, focusing on the status of the Working Groups and the Coordinated Experiments, as well as the reports on AGU sessions. The meeting was chaired by Ingo Richter and Yuko Okumura, with the participation of TBI RF members Chunzai Wang, Dietmar Dommenget, Malte Stuecker, Andrea Taschetto, Michael...

A Regional Training Workshop on ‘Observing the Coastal and Marginal Seas in the Western Indian Ocean including the Arabian/Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman’  will be organised with the proposed dates of 7th - 9th June, 2022. The workshop is organised by the CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP), with support...

Figure: (a) Time series of annual freshwater content integrated from 70–90o N and down to the 34 isohaline for the 1993–2019 period from six ORAs (in 103 km3). Multi-model mean shown in red; darker red indicates all six ORAs are included. (b) Difference (in m) between 2010–2017 and 2000–2010 means in five ORAs (not including...

The WCRP Seal Level 2022 Conference will be organized from 12 to 16 July 2022, in a hybrid format with onsite participation in Singapore. The conference will provide an opportunity to share the present status and future of climate-related sea-level research with a strong focus on the application of sea-level science for adaptation and stakeholder needs. Given the...

The January telecon in 2022 of the CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel (SORP) was organized on 11th January. The proposed CLIVAR Exchange issue, the update of the tasks of SORP, and the status of the fieldwork were discussed.

SORP is planning to organize a special issue of the CLIVAR Exchanges, aiming at ...

The 7th Organising Committee telecon for CLIVAR-GOOS workshop was organized on January 20, 2022, with the participation of Weidong Yu (Co-chair, OOPC), Edem Mahu (Co-chair, invited), Lisa Beal (OOPC), Nick Hardman Mountford (IORP), Enrique Curchister (OMDP), Sophie Cravatte (PRP), Ivonne Montes (PRP), and Jose and Jing Li from ICPO. The meeting continued the discussion of the workshop agenda,...

A preparation teleconference for the 2022 WCRP Sea Level Conference was organized on 27th January 2022, with the participation of the WCRP Sea Level Grand Challenge (GC) co-chairs and members, local organizers and event service provider, as well as staff from WCRP Secretariat and ICPO. The main issues covered by...

It has been recognized that the risk of more frequent and more severe extreme events within the Pacific domain is increasing.  For example, a series of Marine Heat Waves (MHW) has occurred in the eastern North Pacific over the past five years, with substantial ecological and...

We are profoundly saddened to learn the passing of Dr Lisa Goddard. Our thoughts are with her, family, friends and many colleagues from around the world.
Lisa’s passion for Climate Science started early in her academic studies, as she expressed herself “I decided to go into climate research when I was considering graduate school after getting my BA degree in...

Figure: (upper) The global upper 2000 m OHC from 1958 through 2021. The histogram presents annual anomalies relative to a 1981–2010 baseline, with positive anomalies shown as red bars and negative anomalies as blue. Units: ZJ. (bottom) Detrended OHC time series from 2005 to 2021 compared with ONI index.


The COSPAR 2022 conference will be organized in Athens, Greece on 16-24 July 2022.

The chairs of the session A0.1 Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction are calling for abstracts. The abstract submission deadline is 11 February 2022. Below you’ll find the...

A preparation teleconference for the 2022 Sea Level Conference was organized on 10th January 2022, with the participation of the WCRP Sea Level Grand Challenge (GC) co-chairs and members, local organizers and event service provider, as well as staff from ICPO. The main issues covered by the telecon were on the registration and abstract submission systems...

The China SCOR annual meeting, with the theme “Implementation of the UN Ocean DECADE: the international cooperation of the ocean community in the post-COVID-19 era”, was successfully organized from Dec 21 to 22, 2021. Liping Yin, staff scientist of the ICPO, represented ICPO to report the progress of CLIVAR activities in the past year.

To accommodate the COVID-19 situation, this meeting...

The December telecon of the CLIVAR/CliC Northern Ocean Region Panel was organized on December 16th, continuously discussing the NORP-SORP joint workshop, the summer school, and the membership.

It happened to be during the AGU Fall Meeting 2021, the participants shared their experience on participating or organizing sessions of this hybrid AGU, learning lessons and making...
