CAMAS Workshop and Early-Career School

The Consortium for the Advancement of Marine Arctic Science (CAMAS) has been recently established to facilitate and enhance international collaboration on marine Arctic science. It has been motivated in part by the demonstrated need for, and accomplishments of, similar past efforts, i.e., the Forum for Arctic Ocean Modeling and Observational Synthesis (FAMOS) and the Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (AOMIP). The overall aim of CAMAS is to advance the understanding and model representation of key marine Arctic processes that contribute to the rapid changes in the Arctic.

Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability Mechanisms

The Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability (TPDV) Working Group of the CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel recently published a review paper that evaluates our understanding of the mechanisms behind TPDV.  No final consensus exists on the relative importance and efficacy of the mechanisms, but the tropical ocean adjustment to varying wind forcing likely plays a key role in the origin of decadal timescales.  These processes are elucidated in this review paper which is a product of rigorous discussions at several virtual meetings over the span of two years since the working group’s establishment in May 2021. 
