Joint WCRP/WWRP Monsoons Panel Webinar Series: Global Monsoon

Monsoons play a crucial role in shaping weather patterns and impacting the livelihoods of billions of people.  Monsoon systems research is crucial not only for scientific improvements but also for socio-economic applications, that will benefit society. As part of our efforts to share this knowledge, WCRP and WWRP are jointly launching a series of webinars on global and regional monsoons, in line with the three working groups of the Monsoons Panel.

20th Session of the CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel

The 20th Session of the CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP) meeting will be held in Lombok, Australia on March 6, 2024, alongside the annual meetings of IIOE-2 Steering Committee, IOGOOS, IRF, and SIBER, which are to be organized during 4 - 8 March 2024 under the central theme of “International Indian Ocean Science Conference (IIOSC)-2024”.

International Workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and Prediction of Monsoon weather EXtremes (STIPMEX)

International Workshop on Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and Prediction of Monsoon weather EXtremes (STIPMEX) will be held during 02-07 June 2024 at Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India.

The workshop is supported by  MoES, IMD, IMPO, WCRP/SPARC, ACAM, SSiRC, WWRP/WGTMR and Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany. 

For information visit:

Key dates:

Abstract close: 15 February 2024

Registration open: 1 March 2024
