
The Second Report has been released. The Executive Summary is currently available in English; translated versions will be posted when they are available. It will be translated into Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.

The Second Report builds off the First Report; it covers new areas of review, expands on areas that were not adequately covered in the First Report and provides...

In 2004, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved a Regular Process to report on the environmental, economic and social aspects of the world’s ocean. The Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socioeconomic Aspects produced the first global integrated assessment of the marine environment in December 2016...

Figure 1: SWOT orbit during the fast-sampling phase (adapted from Wang et al., 2018a, © Copyright [2017] AMS). During the first months of the mission (expected for January-March 2022), the satellite will be on a special orbit which will overfly a smaller portion of the global ocean with a repeat cycle of 1 day (twice per day on crossovers). This so-called fast-sampling phase will...

The Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) – the guiding body of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) – held its 40th annual session at the World Meteorological Organization headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, from 6 th to 10 th May 10 2019.

This is an annual meeting where the leaders of the WCRP research community discuss progress towards the...

The Sea Ice Prediction Network-SOUTH (SIPN-South) project has collected seasonal forecasts of Antarctic sea ice aligned with the Year Of Polar Prediction Special Observing Period (austral summer 2018-2019).  A post-season analysis of these forecasts can be read in the document ' ...

4 ocean scientists from South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SCSIO) and the First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources (FIO) tragically passed away on 21st April 2019 during the Kingsbury Colombo Hotel explosion in Sri Lanka, while waiting to participate in the 'Joint Voyaging on...

The ICRC-CORDEX 2019 International Conference on Regional Climate will be held on  14-18 October 2019 in Beijing, China

The global collaborative initiative “Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experi- ment” (CORDEX) aims to develop and provide detailed, regional climate information necessary for...

A workshop on 'Sea Level Hotspots from Florida to Maine: Drivers, Impacts and Adaptation' will be organised by US CLIVAR from 23 to 25 April 2019 at Norfolk, USA. This workshop provides an avenue to discuss the drivers, impacts, and adaptation to sea level changes from Florida to Maine, with a focus on benefiting community efforts and enhancing collaboration. The...

Jose Santos Executive Director of the International CLIVAR Project Office, attended the workshop: “Building an International Transparent Ocean Community”, which was held in Qingdao from 15 to 17 April 2019, organized by the Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM)

The main objective of the workshop was  to facilitate an atmosphere of critical thinking,...

                                           17th Session of CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel (Vienna, Austria)

The 17th Session of the CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel (ARP17) took place in Vienna, Austria on April 13, 2019, following the 2019 EGU meeting. The panel reviewed the progress achieved since ARP16, specifically: on the Review of the...

The CLIVAR Pacific Regional Panel held the 2nd Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability (TPDV) Workshop at Sorbonne University in Paris, France from 1 to 5 April 2019, with the strong support of LOCEAN/IPSL. Eighteen scientists participated in the workshop, including six CLIVAR Pacific Regional Panel members, four former CLIVAR ENSO Research Focus members, two members of the CLIVAR Decadal Climate...

Applications are invited for groups within, or linked to CLIVAR communities across the globe to propose “Research Foci” (RF) Studies.

In response to the rapid pace of scientific advances and recognizing the need for the project to be flexible and responsive to new ideas and challenges, CLIVAR has developed the concept of Research Foci (RF), which are...

Workshop on Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Energy (SSOMMEE) took place on 12 to 14 March, 2019 in Florida State University (FSU). The workshop was held in conjunction with the 5th session of CLIVAR Ocean Model Development Panel (OMDP)....

The 5th session of CLIVAR OMDP was successfully held on 11 & 14 March 2019 in Tallahassee, US. This panel meeting was held in conjunction with the Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Energy (SSOMMEE) Workshop which was organized by the US CLIVAR....
