
The International Project Offices (IPOs) and WCRP Secretariat held a teleconference on 26 October 2020. The telecon focused on the discussion of the involvement of the IPOs in the WCRP restructuring process, the updates on the Lighthouse Activities and Regional Consultations, as well as the plans for next year. 14 representatives from the WCRP Secretariat and project offices of CLIVAR, CliC,...

The China - Europe Frontier Forum "Progress on Ocean Science and Technology", co-organised by the Department of Earth Siences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and by the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division of EurASc will be held online on 20-21 October. The Forum will discuss four sessions, and CLIVAR SSG member Dake Chen will be one of the conveners of Session I.



The first WCRP Meeting (online) of the Regional Focal Points (RFPs) for Asia and Oceania was held on 12 October 2020, attended by 25 participants, among which, eight are representatives selected by WCRP to act as focal points by the region; and the others are representatives from WCRP Joint Steering Committee (JSC), WCRP Secretariat and International Project Offices (IPOs). Dr Fangli Qiao and...

The first WCRP Meeting (online) of the Regional Focal Points (RFPs) for South America was held on 16th October 2020, attended by 20 participants, including the Regional Focal Points designed by WCRP from the nominations of the core projects, the support team from the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee and Core activities, and the support team from the WCRP Secretariat and International...

The CLIVAR Global Synthesis and Observations Panel (GSOP) held a teleconference on 12th October and discussed the following points:

  1. Update on GSOP activities

Members discussed the current activities of the panel, and also continued discussion on 2 topics that could be initiated next year:

  • Impact of pandemic on observation sampling and in turn on...

The 1st telecon of the Organising Committee of the CLIVAR/GOOS workshop: ‘From global to coastal: Cultivating new solutions and partnerships for an enhanced Ocean Observing System in a decade of accelerating change’ was organised on 28th September 2020, with the participation of Lisa Beal, Riccardo Farneti, Maria Paz Chidichimo, Weidong Yu, Benjamin Rabe, Antonietta...

The SOLAS Indian Ocean Meeting was organised virtually on 30 September 2020. Roxy Mathew Koll, co-chair of the CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP) and Jing Li from the International CLIVAR Project Office (ICPO) attended the meeting. The meeting mainly...

On 30th September, the co-chairs of CLIVAR panels and Research Focus, members of the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group, and staff of the International CLIVAR Project offices (Qingdao and Pune) held a teleconference in order to discuss the ongoing WCRP Implementation Plan and how CLIVAR as a community should respond and provide feedback. The meeting was chaired by Sonya Legg, co-chair...

The CLIVAR Tropical Basin Interaction RF held its monthly teleconference on 24th September, chaired by Ingo Richter and Noel Keenlyside, and with the participation of Fred Kucharski, Chunzai Wang, Yuko Okumura, Belen Rodriguez-Fonseca, Hiroki Tokinaga, Xichen Li, Ping Chang, Regina Rodriguez, Andrea Taschetto, Miriam Pfeiffer, and Jose Santos from the ICPO.

Main points of the...

Upon invitation by the Executive Secretary of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), CLIVAR joined the PICES-2020 Annual Meeting (virtual) as an observer. The theme of the meeting is “How does 30 years of research on changing North Pacific ecosystems inform the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?”.

CLIVAR participated in the Physical...

The CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP) held its quarterly telecon on 21 September 2020. Ten IORP members and ICPO staff attended the telecon, with apologies received from five members. Emma Heslop from the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) was invited to introduce the GOOS’ ongoing effort in assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on global ocean observing networks, and share the...

Different RegCM CORDEX domains used in the analyses. The colored land area within each domain reflects the region that has been used from each RegCM integration for spatial plots. Boxes represent areas used for various zonal average analyses

A paper entitled ...

The International Project Offices (IPOs) and Joint Planning Staff (JPS) of WCRP held a teleconference on Sep. 9, 2020. The telecon focused on the discussion of the involvement of the IPOs in the WCRP restructuring process, as well as how to strengthen the communication between WCRP JSC and IPOs. Representatives from the WCRP JPS and project offices of CLIVAR, CliC, GEWEX, SPARC, CORDEX, CORA,...

The CLIVAR Climate Dynamics Panel organized the routine telecom on 10th August 2020. The telecon continued its presentation from the new members, and the new WCRP implementation plan, including the input for the WCRP Lighthouse Activities, the new WCRP ‘pillars’, and nominations for the Lighthouse Activities have been discussed among the panel. Chaired by the CDP co-chairs, eight...

The ‘butterfly effect’ is used by climate scientists to refer to an infinitesimal random perturbation to an identical initial condition (for example, in surface temperatures) causing drastically different trajectories. A recent study published in Nature (Cai et al. 2020
