CLIVAR community discusses the WCRP Implementation Plan

On 30th September, the co-chairs of CLIVAR panels and Research Focus, members of the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group, and staff of the International CLIVAR Project offices (Qingdao and Pune) held a teleconference in order to discuss the ongoing WCRP Implementation Plan and how CLIVAR as a community should respond and provide feedback. The meeting was chaired by Sonya Legg, co-chair of the SSG. The points discussed were:
- Update on WCRP plans and timeline (Sonya)
- Questions/comments from co-chairs on these plans, and on WCRP material presented at last call. (all co-chairs in turn)
- Discussion: How do panels/RFs map onto/connect with WCRP LightHouse Activities? What changes to CLIVAR structure would enhance our ability to contribute to LHAs, interact across panels/RFs, interact across WCRP core projects? Are there CLIVAR activities/groups that might be hosted by or shared with the two new "homes" (core project equivalents), "Earth System Modeling and Observational Capabilities" and "Regional Climate Information for Societies"?
The minutes of the conference will be prepared and then sent to the rest of the CLIVAR community, another teleconference will be scheduled by the end of October to continue the discussions and prepare the input from CLIVAR to be sent to WCRP so that it can be discussed during the extraordinary JSC meeting to be held online in November.