Exchanges 73
Submitted by Nico on Thu, 2017-10-12 02:54Special Issue on climate over the Iberian Peninsula: an overview of CLIVAR-Spain coordinated science
Special Issue on climate over the Iberian Peninsula: an overview of CLIVAR-Spain coordinated science
CLIVAR Exchanges/PAGES Magazine joint issue on Decadal Climate Variability
Special Issue: CLIVAR Open Science Conference Award Winners
Special Issue: CLIVAR 20 Years of Progress
Special Issue: the Kuroshio Current and Extension System
CLIVAR Exchanges Special Issue Celebrating 50 Years of Indian Ocean Research
This special issue of Exchanges provides an overview of CLIVAR’s role in the development of a sustained ocean observing system, in terms of research and advances in understanding.
Special Issue on Monsoons: Advancing understanding of monsoon variability and improving prediction
Special Issue: High Resolution Ocean Climate Modelling
Special Issue: Ongoing Efforts on Ocean Reanalyses Intercomparison
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