
The fourth day of the conference featured talks under the theme of an ocean in a warmer world. The day was dedicated to understanding the future of Earth’s climate system—its potential changes and impacts—under the topics of climate modes, sea level, and boundary current systems.

Mike Alexander, NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, discussed modes of sea surface temperature in a...

Rolling into the third day of the conference, participants’ attention was focused on understanding ocean and climate processes. Under this theme, the three sessions were mixing and stirring, ocean and climate dynamics, and upwelling and frontal zones.

Rym Msadeck, CNRS/CERFACS, presented on the role of ocean dynamics in climate variability on interannual to multidecadal timescales. “The...

After an evening reception, held on the shores of the Yellow Sea, participants gathered the next morning for the second day of the conference under the theme of “Climate Variability and Predictability.” The main theme for the plenary talks, parallel sessions, and posters were split into the timeframes of intraseasonal to interannual, decadal, and centennial to millennial.

Opening the...

Nestled between the mountains of Laoshan and the warm waters of the Yellow Sea, over 600 scientists from 50 countries gathered for the second CLIVAR Open Science Conference in Qingdao China, the first one occurring over a decade ago. The first day of the conference was hosted by the Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology—a new sprawling campus performing exciting...

Qingdao, China– New research into the complex interactions between the ocean and the global climate – as evidenced by the recent super El Niño - will be examined at the Open Science Conference of World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Core Project on Climate and Ocean – CLIVAR, in Qingdao, China, from 18 – 25 September, 2016. 


The TPOS 2020 project aims to rejuvenate and revamp the Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS) to meet the observational, experimental, and operational needs of today and the future. The purpose of the TPOS 2020 project is oversee the transition to a more resilient and integrated observing system to meet the identified gaps as well as future needs as they are identified.


CLIVAR Panel/RF meetings alongside with OSC 2016

Local logistic information

1.    Meeting arrangements

1.1 Meeting rooms/times
Meeting time: Sep 17(Sat)-18(Sun), 2016
Meeting place
: Salon...

More than 600 scientists from 35countries will come together in Qingdao, China, in about a weeks’ time to share their work and ideas, foster collaborations and develop future plans.  Over 600 posters will be presented – 230 from students and early career scientist -  which certainly bodes well for the future of climate and...

CLIVAR is celebrating 20 years of progress since publication of its first SciencePlan in August 1995. To mark the occasion, past SSG co-chairs have contributed articles on an aspect of the CLIVAR project that they felt made particular strides during their tenure. Their reflections take us from the roots of CLIVAR in the late 1970s and 80s (the days of FGGE, TOGA and WOCE),  ...

The GCOS Programme has prepared a new implementation plan in consultation with the global climate scientific and observing community which will be submitted to the UNFCCC for its COP 22 meeting which starts on 7 November 2016, in Marrakech, Morocco.

They are inviting the broader community to review the draft document, with...

The Scientific Organizing Committee, led by Drs Stammer, Wu, Qiao and Goddard, have developed an exciting scientific programme – see for latest details;  the Local Organizing Committee, chaired by Xiaopei Lin of OUC and Yafeng Yang of FIO are now feverously working on the final details to make sure the programme runs smoothly and to ensure that your stay in Qingdao as pleasant...

The latest CLIVAR Exchanges has just been published! This is a special issue the Kuroshio Current and Extension System highlights some of the latest findings on the Kuroshio System that were presented at another successful...

In order to better publicise papers produced by the WCRP community, papers that use WCRP data or that acknowledge WCRP in any way WCRP has created an email All authors, panel and RF members are invited to send details of relevant articles to this address. 


Session ID: 12738
Session Title: GC030. Earth’s energy imbalance and energy flows through the climate system

Section/Focus Group: Global Environmental Change

Conveners:  Kevin Trenberth, Seiji Kato, Tristan L’Ecuyer,...


Space for posters is limited and we need to configure the poster viewing areas, so we ask that you register and pay the registration fee prior to July 31 in order to reserve a poster board.   If you have already registered and paid your registration fee, or have been told that your registration fee will be paid directly by one of the OSC sponsors, no need to...
