
Third International Symposium

Third International Symposium on “Effects of climate change on the world’s oceans”

March 23–27, 2015
Santos, Brazil
The strong linkage between ocean dynamics and societal needs, underlined by the role of science, represents the background for a series...

Applications are now being accepted for the IMBER ClimEco4 Summer School

The focus will be Delineating the issues of climate change and impacts to marine ecosystems: Bridging the gap between research, assessment, policy and management.
If you are a student or early-career researcher interested in the impact of global change on marine ecosystems and...

The 7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle will celebrate 25 years of GEWEX research and set the stage for the next phase of research addressing water resources, extremes and climate sensitivity through observations and data sets, their analyses, process studies, model development and exploitation, applications, technology transfer to operational results,...


Date: 7 - 12 September, 2014,

Location: Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
Organized by
: Prof. Dr. Martin Visbeck (GEOMAR and Kiel University) & Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Roether (Bremen University)
Fees: 200 € full board and accommodation (for DPG* members 100 € )
* The German Physical Society (DPG...

GlobCurrent aims to advance the quantitative estimation of ocean surface currents from satellite sensor synergy and to demonstrate the impact and advancements through user-led scientific, operational and commercial applications.  This in turn, will highlight the advantages of satellite approaches and increase the uptake and exploitation of satellite ocean current measurements.


The scientific relevance for measuring Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) is more and more recognized in the ocean community.  SSS plays an important role in the dynamics of the thermohaline circulation, ENSO, and is the key tracer for the marine branch of the global hydrological cycle, which comprises about 3/4 of the global precipitation and evaporation budget.  Ocean surface salinity is of key...

Future Earth

The Science and Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability invite applications for the Future Earth Engagement Committee

All applications should be submitted not later than 14 March 2014.

Future Earth is a 10-year international research programme that will provide...
International Ocean Research Conference

The second announcement for the International Ocean Research Conference “One Planet One Ocean” (attached).

The announcement contains information about the Science Programme, Call for Abstracts, Side Events and Exhibitions, Social Events, Early Career Scientist Activities, etc. 

Details are also on the website:...


The abstract submission deadline for the EGU General Assembly 2014 (27 April - 02 May 2014, Vienna, Austria) is Thursday, 16 January 2014, 13:00 CET. You are cordially invited to find your appropriate session at:

Guidelines for abstract submission...

Ocean Circulation and Climate

Ocean Circulation and Climate – A 21st Century Perspective

Edited by Siedler, Griffies, Gould, and Church

Published December 2013

The ocean is one of the most important components of the climate system. It contributes large reservoirs for heat and carbon and is thus a major player in controlling climate change.

 “Ocean Circulation and Climate – A...

Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics
Low Oxygen Environments In Marine, Estuarine And Fresh Waters
University of Liège, Belgium
5 - 9 August 2014

The 46th Liege colloquium will investigate new developments and insights related to the critical problem of ocean deoxygenation, low oxygen zones in marine and freshwater systems. 

Exchanges 63

Download the latest edition of  CLIVAR Exchanges today.

This months publication is a 'Joint Edition of the Newsletter of the Climate and Oceans: Variability, Predictability and Change Project (CLIVAR) Exchanges and the CLIVAR Variability of the American Monsoon Systems Panel (VAMOS)'


NOAA has released the 2013 World Ocean Database ( , the largest, most comprehensive collection of scientific information about the oceans, with records dating as far back as 1772. The 2013 database updates the 2009 version and contains nearly 13 million temperature profiles, compared with 9.1 in the...

The Challenger Society

The Challenger Society is hosting a workshop run through its Special Interest Group for Coastal Ocean Processes. The workshop will be held in Liverpool on the 25-26th March 2014.

The idea behind the SIG was to provide a focal point for the UK community to firstly meet but also discuss and plan future multidisciplinary research into coastal ocean and shelf sea processes.

This is...


International CLIVAR and US CLIVAR were both at AGU and held a joint town hall (led by US CLIVAR) focussing on the recently published US CLIVAR science plan and the future direction for the regional office. International CLIVAR used to town hall meeting to introduce the future direction of International CLIVAR science plans and the new organisational structure currently being developed and...
