
The 10th Session of the CLIVAR Pacific Panel was held in Santiago, Chile on 10-11, October, 2015, locally hosted by the Millennium Institute of Oceanography (IMO), Chile. This session was coupled with the 11th ICSHMO meeting...

The CLIVAR Upwelling Research Focus had their planning meeting in Ankara, Turkey, on 2-3 October 2015. For this meeting, experts in ocean and atmospheric science were joined by researchers in biogeochemistry and fisheries to discuss and develop a science and implementation plan for this CLIVAR activity, which will be done jointly with...

The CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel (SORP) met at the European Space Agency headquarters in Frascati, Italy, on 24-25 September, to discuss progress of activities in the past year and plan future activities. The panel has strengthen the links with the...

IMBER organises a summer school every two years. Known as the ClimECO (Climate and Ecosystem) series, these intensive training workshops offer students and early career scientists lectures by internationally renowned experts as well as hands-on practical sessions. The IMBER ClimEco5 Summer School will be held at University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil, 10-17 August 2016.


This program sends ocean scientists interested in short-term visits to developing countries. The program is a partnership, with the host institution providing local accommodation and SCOR finding resources to pay for airfares and other local expenses, as necessary. The participating scientists donate their time. They may be onsite for as little as two weeks to as long as visa requirements...

The CLIVAR Research Focus on Planetary heat balance and ocean heat storage (CONCEPT-HEAT) brought together experts from ocean and atmospheric reanalysis, air-sea fluxes, ocean heat content, climate models, atmospheric radiation and sea level for their first meeting, which happened at the UK MetOffice, on 29 September - 01 October,...

In collaboration with SNCF and numerous partners, the Climate Train will travel across France from 6th to 25th October, stopping in 19 cities, communicating our understanding of climate change issues to the general public in the run up to COP21 that will be held in Paris. The Train has 45 scientists on board (15 per week), 14 institutes and labs represented. 96 seminars...

On 16th September 2015 CLIVAR launched its 20th anniversary with a ceremony at FIO. Prof Deyi Ma, the Director General of FIO, met with Dr. Mike Sparrow, Senior Scientific Officer of WCRP, CLIVAR SSG Co-chair Prof Detlef Stammer, Dr Annalisa Bracco, Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology and incoming CLIVAR SSG Co-Chair and ICPO staff. Prof...

On 16th September 2015 WCRP/CLIVAR and IOC/WESTPAC hosted a joint workshop on “Advancing Ocean Climate Observations and Studies in the Indo-Pacific” at FIO with the aim to take stock of previous achievements in ocean observations, modelling and ocean climate studies in the region; build and enhance networks among ocean and climate research communities in the region;...

Time-mean and trends for the period 1948-2007 are analysed in a suite of global ocean-sea ice models forced with CORE-II forcing, focusing on the ACC, MOC, water masses and sea-ice evolution.

Downes et al., 2015: An assessment of Southern Ocean water masses and sea-ice during 1988-2007 in a suite of interannual...

This study shows how climate change due to humans has affected the probability that extreme events in South America and Southern Africa evolved in the way that they did.

Bellprat, O., F. C. Lott, C. Gulizia, H. R. Parker, L. A. Pampuch, I.Pinto, A. Ciavarella, and P. A....

The COST Action “Evaluation of Ocean Syntheses” (EOS) aims to improve the understanding of the value and use of ocean syntheses by supporting individual mobility, strengthening existing networks and fostering collaboration between researchers. The EOS network consists of experts in physical oceanography...

The Climate Variability and Predictability (CVP) Program of NOAA’s Climate Program Office invites you to participate in an upcoming webinar series showcasing CVP-supported projects focused on advancing our understanding of decadal climate variability and predictability....
