

UNESCO/IOC Regional Training and Research Center on Ocean Dynamics and Climate

Qingdao, China, 7-18 September 2015

The UNESCO/IOC Regional Training and Research Center on Ocean Dynamics and Climate (hereinafter...

On 27 May, Dr Annalisa Bracco, Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology and CLIVAR SSG member, presented a talk on “Mesoscale and Submesoscale Processes: Observations and Modeling” to FIO staff and students.  She highlighted the importance of ocean submesoscale turbulence in dissipating the incoming energy in the ocean, something that is not well represented in climate models.  She also...

The ICPO has been very active in promoting CLIVAR science and activities for the scientific community in China. The ICPO staff have already visited several Chinese institutions

Last week, the ICPO hosted Prof. Detlef Stammer, SSG co-chair, and this...

CLIVAR Open Science Conference

“Charting the course for future climate and ocean research”

Qingdao, China

19-23 September 2016 - CLIVAR OSC
18, 24-25 September 2016: Early Career Scientists Symposium


The collective voice and expertise of the international climate community is essential to shaping the future of research on the coupled...

The special IO50 Symposium "Dynamics of the Indian Ocean: Perspective and Retrospective" is to be held from 30 November - 4 December, 2015 at Goa, India. Abstract submission is open till 31st May 2015.

This Symposium will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the International Indian Ocean Expedition and...

The latest issue of Exchanges is now out! The theme of this Exchanges is on Monsoons: "Advancing understanding of monsoon variability and improving prediction". It has been produced by the new jointly-sponsored CLIVAR/GEWEX Monsoons Panel, and it is the first issue produced by the International CLIVAR Monsoons Project...

As the first in a planned series of visits, Valery Detemmerman, Executive Director of the CLIVAR ICPO, and Nico Caltabiano, ICPO Senior Staff Scientist, visited the South China Sea Institute of Oceanography (SCSIO) in Guangzhou and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and the Climate Center of the China Meteorological Administration in...

Several of the parallel sessions happening at the "Our common future under climate change" Conference have been organised by members of the CLIVAR community and linked to the CLIVAR Research Foci, together with some partner programmes. The...

The CLIVAR ENSO Research Focus team is encouraging early career scientists (Postdocs, PhD students) interested in ENSO research to contribute to the 4th ENSO workshop which will happen alongside with the "Our Common Future Under Climate Change" conference held in Paris, July 6-10, 2015.

The workshop will be limited to 50 active researchers, of whom 30 will be invited. PhD students and...

Please consider contributing to the session on “The Earth’s energy imbalance and exchanges at the atmosphere-ocean interface: From fundamental research to societal concern,” part of the Our Common Future under Climate Change conference being held in Paris, France from 7-10 July 2015. A summary is below. The deadline for submissions is 2 March 2015; please note that you will need to...

A sustainable global ocean observation system requires timely implementation of the framework for ocean observing. The Qingdao Global Ocean Summit held on 25-26, October, 2014 highlighted the need for a more coherent institutional response to maintain an integrated ocean-observing system. A commentary on this event written by some CLIVAR participants was published in recent issue of the Nature...

Understanding what the seas give us is central to their future management. New website highlights an innovative approach to a sustainable future for our seas.

As global environmental changes and human activities are impacting our oceans like never before it is increasingly important to ensure effective management of our seas.  Until recently ocean management has focused on the impact...

Each winter, sea ice expands to fill nearly the entire Arctic Ocean basin, reaching its maximum extent in March. Each summer, the ice pack shrinks, reaching its smallest extent in September. The ice that survives at least one summer melt season tends to be thicker and more likely to survive future summers. Since the 1980s, the amount of this perennial ice (sometimes called...

Society is vulnerable to extreme weather events and, by extension, to human impacts on future events. Today a new study by researchers from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) was published in Nature Climate Change. Combining weather models and climate models potentially provides complementary, more realistic and more physically consistent pictures of what future...

Right now, two research vessels carrying some 40 marine scientists are battling stormy conditions in the Tasman Sea to learn more about gigantic subsurface waves—some 1,000 feet high—that are critical to both ocean health and accurate climate modeling.

These internal ocean waves form, move, and break just like...
