Call for early career scientists to attend the 4th CLIVAR ENSO workshop in Paris, July

The CLIVAR ENSO Research Focus team is encouraging early career scientists (Postdocs, PhD students) interested in ENSO research to contribute to the 4th ENSO workshop which will happen alongside with the "Our Common Future Under Climate Change" conference held in Paris, July 6-10, 2015.

The workshop will be limited to 50 active researchers, of whom 30 will be invited. PhD students and postdoctoral researchers are invited to propose a contribution to the workshop; from among these, a selection of 20 presentations (oral or poster) will be made by the scientific committee; applications, including an abstract, a CV and a statement of interest, should be sent to before March 31st. There is some travel support which may be available for some of the students whose applications are accepted.

Please find more details in the meeting announcement.