2nd Indian Ocean Early Career Scientists WG Telecon

The 2nd Indian Ocean Early Career Scientists WG Telecon was organized on 5 November 2022. 12 Representatives from IORP, YESS, WIOMSA-ECSN and IIOE-2 ECSN attended the telecon. The telecon was focused on the newly developed SDA2 Framework (Skill Development, Awareness and Application), as well as the ECS’ active involvement in planning for the upcoming CLIVAR/ICTP Summer School on Marine Heatwave (MHW).

Dr. Shikha Singh, an ECR member of IORP, has developed the SDA2 framework. She was recruited since the 1st Telecon to help build up the ECS research in the Indian Ocean. She presented this framework designed for promoting the ECS research, communications, and collaborations in the Indian Ocean.

The Skill Development component mainly includes Hackathons, graduate student seminars, paper writing workshop as well as breakout groups mixed with ECS and mentors. Webinars/interactive sessions with leading scientists and subject matter experts; short 1-2 days session on emerging topics, and dissemination of job opportunities (e.g. via Twitter/Slack Channel, etc.) were highlighted in the Awareness component. Lastly, the Application part was designed to continue the work of conference sessions/workshop/group work, by working together on community papers, which are timeline-based community research papers as quantified outputs for the entire exercise (e.g. from hackathons). Specific ideas for applying the SDA2 Framework in the upcoming CLIVAR/ICTP Summer School on Marine Heatwave were introduced and discussed. Dr. Priyanka Yadav, a former member of the Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) community, shared the experience and lessons learned from the YESS Learning Groups on Machine Learning application to Earth System Science.