
Event City Country Event Dates External Event URL
2nd Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Busan Korea
2015-10-26 to 2015-10-28
10th Session of the CLIVAR Pacific Panel Santiago Chile
2015-10-10 to 2015-10-11
ENSO Workshop Australia 2015: ENSO Extremes and Diversity: Dynamics, Teleconnection, and Impacts Sydney Australia
2015-02-04 to 2015-02-06
9th Session of the Pacific Panel The Hague The Netherlands
2014-07-14 to 2014-07-15
8th Session of the CLIVAR Pacific Panel Li Jiang, Yun Nan China
2013-07-09 to 2013-07-11
WCRP/CLIVAR Second International Symposium on Boundary Current dynamics Li Jiang, Yun Nan China
2013-07-08 to 2013-07-09
Third Workshop on the Evalution of ENSO Processes in Climate Models Hobart Australia
2013-01-21 to 2013-01-23
CLIVAR/WCRP Workshop on Decadal and Multi-decadal Variability in Pacific and Indian Ocean Qingdao China
2012-09-04 to 2012-09-07
7th Session of the Pacific Panel Noumea New Caledonia
2012-04-28 to 2012-04-29
Developing an Effective Monitoring Program of the Indonesian Throughflow Workshop Jakarta Indonesia
2012-03-12 to 2012-03-13
International Workshop "New strategies for evaluating ENSO processes in climate models" Paris France
2010-11-17 to 2010-11-19
6th Session of the Pacific Panel Meeting Guayaquil Equador
2010-10-15 to 2010-10-16
