News View

The WCRP Data Advisory Council’s (WDAC’s) Observations for Model Evaluation Task Team seeks recommendations for data sets to be considered for inclusion in obs4MIPs.

Obs4MIPs refers to a...

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) is taking place as planned from 30 November to 11 December ...

This special issue was initiated by the Indian Ocean Region Panel and coincides with...

This special issue of Exchanges provides an overview of...

This program sends ocean scientists interested in short-term visits to developing countries. The program is a partnership, with the host institution providing local accommodation and SCOR finding...

On 16th September 2015 CLIVAR launched its 20th anniversary with a ceremony at FIO. Prof Deyi Ma, the Director General of FIO, met with Dr. Mike...

The 2015 GCOS Status Report, Status of the Global Observing System, is now open for public review. The deadline for contributions is Monday, 7 September 2015.

