ACC 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 to Friday, October 18, 2013
Event City: 
Event Attendance: 
Event Description: 

ACC 2013

Steering Committee Members


Arame Tall (co-Chair)                      CCAFS/CLIVAR Africa Climate Panel Co-Chair
Seleshie Bekele (co-Chair)             African Climate Policy Center (ACPC)/UNECA

West Africa
Adama A. Diallo                              ACMAD
Seydou Traoré                                AGRHYMET/CILLS
Cheikh Kane                                   AMMA/ACMAD
Ernest Afiesimama                         AMMA, Nigerian Meteorological Agency
Ousmane Ndiaye                           Senegal Weather Service

Southern Africa
Bruce Hewitson                              CESAG/CORDEX
Brad Garanganga                           SADC Climate Services Center (formerly DMC)

East Africa
Pius Yanda                                     University of Dar-es-Salaam/ACCFP
Joseph Mutemi                               ICPAC

North Africa
Abdulla Mokssit                              Morocco Met Office Director

Partners & Diaspora
Fred Semazzi                                 U. North Carolina/WCRP Joint Steering Committee
Richard Graham                             UK Met Office/CSRP Research Program
Pete Lamb                                      U Oklahoma/NOAA
Peter van Oevelen/Richard Anyah GEWEX
Felipe Lucio                                    WMO, GFCS Head
Simon Mason                                  IRI/GFCS
Richard Washington                        U. Oxford/CLIVAR Africa Panel Co-Chair

CLIVAR contact: Anna Pirani


Scientific and Technical Committee

  • Richard Anyah (co-Chair)
  • Fred Semazzi (co-Chair)
  • Bruce Hewitson (co-Chair)
  • Seleshi Bekele
  • Joseph Mutemi
  • Brad Garanganga
  • Ousmane Ndiaye
  • Richard Graham
  • Arame Tall
  • Richard Washington
  • Wassila Thiaw
  • Cheikh Kane
  • Seydou Traore
  • Ernest Afiesimama
  • Pete Lamb
  • Mxolisi Shongwe


Resource Mobilization Committee

  • Cheikh Kane (AMMA) (co-Chair)
  • Ernest Afiesimama (co-Chair)
  • Seleshi Bekele (ACPC)
  • Pete Lamb (US agencies, Foundations)
  • Fred Semazzi
  • Joseph Mutemi (ICPAC)
  • Brad Garanganga (SADC Climate Services Center)
  • Adama A. Diallo (ACMAD)
  • Seydou Traoré (AGRHYMET/CILSS)
  • Abdullah Mokssit (N. Africa RCC)
  • Richard Graham (UK)
  • Arame Tall (CCAFS, Red Cross)
  • Richard Washington (UK)
  • Felipe Lucio (WMO)
  • Ghassem Asrar/Valery Detemmerman (WCRP)
  • Hassan Virji (START)
  • Wassila Thiaw (NOAA Africa Desk)
  • Arona Diedhiou (IRD)
  • Bruce Hewitson


Communication Committee

  • Seleshi Bekele/ACPC Team
  • Anna Pirani
  • Cheikh Kane
  • RCCs
    • Joseph Mutemi (ICPAC)
    • Brad Garanganga (SADC Climate Services Center)
    • Adama A. Diallo (ACMAD)
    • Pape Oumar Dieye (AGRHYMET/CILSS)
    • Abdullah Mokssit (N. Africa RCC)


Logistical Committee

  • Seleshi Bekele/ACPC Team
  • Anna Pirani
  • Cheikh Kane

SC Meeting, CCDA-II

UNECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
19-21 October 2012

Some of the meeting participants, from left to right: Richard Graham, Diallo Alhassane, Ousmane Ndiaye, Cheikh Kane, Anna Pirani, Seleshi Bekele, Joseph Mutemi, Brad Garanganga, Ernest Afiesimama


1. Review membership of the SC and its sub-committees
2. Discuss tasks to be accomplished by the sub-committees
3. Consolidate the frontiers paper that is being presented at the CCDAII and discuss how the CCDAII participants receive the paper

Meeting Report
Action Items


Arame Tall
Anna Pirani
Seleshi Bekele
Brad Garanganga
Joseph Mutemi
Richard Graham
Ousmane Ndiaye
Cheikh Kane
Diallo Alhassane
Seydou Traore
Ernest Afiesimama
Mxolisi Shongwe
Bruce Hewitson

SC Launch Meeting

UNECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
13-14 September 2012

Some of the meeting participants, from left to right: Richard Anyah, Fred Semazzi, Arame Tall, Ousmane Ndiaye, Richard Graham, Seleshi Bekele, Joseph Mutemi, Brad Garanganga, Anna Pirani, Grimaw Gezahegn

Meeting Report


Fred Semazzi
Brad Garanganga
Joseph Mutemi
Richard Anyah
Ousmane Ndiaye
Richard Graham
Arame Tall
Anna Pirani
Seleshi Bekele
Tatiana Arivello
Girmaw Gezahegn
Pete Lamb (call in)
Bruce Hewitson (call in)

Minutes of Interim SSC Teleconference 17 August 2012  
Draft Programme of CCDA-II (14 September 2012)  
CCDA-II Concept Note (31 July 2012)  
Terms of Reference of ACC Steering Committee (20 September 2012)  
Report of ACC Steering Committee Meeting - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 12-13 September 2012  
Report of ACC Steering Committee Meeting - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 19-21 October 2012  
ACC Funding Strategy (draft - 20 September 2012)  
Africa Climate Conference (ACC) Concept Note (2-page)  
Africa Climate Conference (ACC) Concept Note (4-page)  
Addressing Priority Research Gaps to Inform Adaptation Decision-Making in Africa: Frontiers in African Climate Science and its Application (V2, 26 November 2012)  

Africa Climate Conference 2013 - Overview

The Africa Climate Conference 2013:
Advancing African Climate Science Research & Knowledge
October 2013, Arusha, Tanzania

Africa is the continent most vulnerable to current climate variability and extremes and the one most likely to suffer adverse effects of climate change. Adaptation policies and actions will be most effective if based on the best possible knowledge concerning current and future climate. To achieve this, we must fill the large gaps in our understanding of African climate through scientific research, and ensure that climate research outputs are communicated in a form that is useful and accessible to decision makers.  

The Africa Climate Conference 2013, organized under the auspices of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the African Climate Policy Center (ACPC), will bring together decision-makers and climate researchers, scientists and practitioners from Africa and around the world, to jointly: 1) identify the state of knowledge on the African climate system, recognizing current gaps in climate knowledge; 2) define and drive an African agenda for future climate research that will inform adaptation decisions out to the mid- to end 21st Century.; 3) develop a framework for mainstreaming climate information into decision making, as well as a network of experts who evaluate and interpret this knowledge for practical applications in areas such as agriculture ad food production, water resources management, climate risk management and adaptation planning, etc.  The expected outcome from the Conference is a set of concrete research proposals to address the critical gaps in our knowledge of the African climate system, led by regional and national institutions and experts, to provide science-based climate knowledge that will inform decision-making out to the mid- to end 21st Century in Africa in the many sectors affected by climate variability and change.

The Conference will take place in October 2013 at the UNECA in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in conjunction with the third Climate Change and Development in Africa Conference (CCDA-3).

For further information on the ACC-2013, please email, copying and


La Conférence Climat Afrique 2013 (CCA-2013):
Faire Progresser Ensemble la Recherche Scientifique et l’Etat des Connaissances sur le Climat en Afrique
Octobre 2013, UNECA, Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia

L'Afrique est le continent le plus vulnérable à la variabilité actuelle du climat et les extrêmes, ainsi que le plus susceptible de subir les effets néfastes des changements climatiques. Les politiques et mesures d'adaptation seront plus efficaces si elles sont fondées sur les meilleures connaissances possibles sur le climat actuel et future. Pour y parvenir, nous devons combler les importantes lacunes dans notre compréhension du climat de l'Afrique par la recherche scientifique, et garantir que les résultats de cette recherche climatique sont communiqués sous une forme qui est utile et accessible aux décideurs africains.

La Conférence Climat Afrique 2013 (CCA-2013), organisée sous les auspices du Programme Mondial de Recherche sur le Climat (WCRP) et le Centre Africain des Politiques Climatiques (ACPC), réunira des décideurs, chercheurs et scientifiques du climat venus d'Afrique et du monde entier, dans l’objectif de conjointement: 1) identifier l'état des connaissances sur le système climatique africain, tout en reconnaissant les lacunes actuelles dans les connaissances sur le climat africain; 2) définir et piloter un agenda africain pour la recherche climatique future, afin d’éclairer les décisions d'adaptation à la mi- à la fin du 21ème siècle; 3) élaborer un cadre pour l'intégration de l'information et des services climatiques dans la prise de décision en Afrique, ainsi que d'un réseau d'experts en mesure d’évaluer et interpréter ces connaissances pour des applications pratiques dans des domaines tels que la production agricole et la sécurité alimentaire, la planification des ressources en eau, la gestion des risques de catastrophes climatiques, etc.

Le résultat attendu de la Conférence est un ensemble de propositions concrètes de programmes de recherche climat finançables qui combleront les lacunes critiques dans notre connaissance du système climatique africain, lacunes urgentes a combler afin de fournir des connaissances scientifiques du climat qui seront en mesure d’éclairer la prise de décision en Afrique aujourd’hui, et vers la mi- a la fin du 21e siècle, dans les nombreux secteurs touchés par la variabilité et changements climatiques sur le continent. Il est attendu que les institutions régionales et nationales et experts en Afrique déjà en charge de la recherche scientifique sur le climat mèneront ces nouveaux programmes de recherche.

La Conférence Climat Afrique 2013 se tiendra en Octobre 2013 à l'UNECA à Addis-Abeba, en Ethiopie, en collaboration avec la 3è Conférence sur le Changement Climatique et le Développement en Afrique (CCDA-3).

Pour plus de renseignements sur la CCA-2013, merci d’adresser vos questions à, avec ampliation à et

ACC-2013 Planning Schedule


Jan-Aug 2012





Jan 2013









Concept Note development














Mapping of African climate science research programs & centers/hubs














High-Level Stakeholder Consultations














SSC Launch meeting and Establishment of Conference Planning Committees

Addis, Ethiopia


Sep. 13-14













SSC Meeting



Oct. 19-21











User and stakeholder evaluation of African Climate Science (CS) frontiers paper
















Review of state of knowledge on validated African CS frontiers














Call for abstracts Jan

Abstracts due by March.














Selection of abstracts (oral & posters)

Notification end May














Those selected may submit extended abstracts submitted for Conf. Proceedings

Extended abstracts due end July














Plenary papers selected, for journal special issue.

Papers due end July




















Agenda and Proposals drafting














Conference logistical preparation














ACC 2013












Oct 2013


Conference reporting and submission of research funding proposals














Table: Task List and Timeline of Preparations for the ACC2013 (October 2013)