
Investing in the future of sea level rise: lessons, progress, and new ideas

On the fifth day, conference participants — filled with four days of fascinating, relevant, and timely discussions — were able to hear about the latest modeling efforts and different scenarios for the future. A panel of stakeholders also held a lively discussion on what they learned...

The European Union will further boost its research and innovation cooperation with its strategic partners Brazil and South Africa in order to better understand marine ecosystems and climate. The South Atlantic Research and Innovation Flagship Initiative has been launched and a joint Statement on Atlantic Ocean Research...

The dynamics of sea level rise today and into the future

The conference rolled into the fourth day wrapping up the contemporary sea level presentations and beginning to address future projections. The two plenary sessions had corresponding posters for each topic. Participants also heard about the evolving requirements of integrated sea level observations for...

Risk, adaptation strategies, and stakeholder needs for coastal zone management

Halfway through the conference, day three brought a series of presentations on the coastal zone. Presenters in the two plenary sessions discussed impacts of rising seas from small island countries to large metropolitan cities like Shanghai, planning and adaptation strategies, and...

Understanding today’s sea level: trends, amplitude, and new approaches

The second day of the conference was dedicated to presentations on contemporary sea level change, ranging from the role of ocean heat content to satellite missions to drivers in variability of extreme sea levels. The two plenary sessions were accompanied by a morning and afternoon poster...

Scientists begin conference on sea level change, starting with the past and working towards the future

The significance of rising waters in New York City was evident during Hurricane Sandy and on 10 July 2017 when hundreds of scientists gathered at Columbia University to kick-off a week long Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts Conference. The...

From left to right: Xunqiang Yin (Coordinator, ODC), Prof. Fangli Qiao (Secretary General of FIO, Director of ODC), Prof. Jose Santos (Executive Director of ICPO),) and Jing Li (Staff Scientist, ICPO)

On the 10th July, 2017 at the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), State Oceanic Administration of China, a meeting between representatives of the UNESCO/IOC Regional Training...

The Open Science Conference in New York from 10-14 July groups top scientists, city planners, coastal zone developers and managers and other stakeholders who will brainstorm on how to strengthen climate change adaptation and disaster resilience.

Many of the world’s biggest cities and economic hubs lie along coastlines and so are exposed to coastal...

The latest issue of CLIVAR Exchanges, a joint issue with Past Global Changes Magazine, titled "Decadal Climate Variability", is now available to read and download.

This issue aims to review ongoing research on Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability, and address the progress made in understanding and resolving issues on this topic. It is an output from the CLIVAR-ICTP...

The “2017 CLIVAR International Symposium on Boundary Currents” was successfully held in Qingdao, China on 5-7 June 2017.

At the symposium, about 200 oceanographers and young scholars congregated and discussed the recent advances and challenges towards understanding of the Boundary Current dynamics and interactions.

The symposium covered 3 themes: 1) mechanism and interaction of...

GOAL OF THE CONFERENCE: To review the progress on the science of ENSO with a focus on examining the range of ENSO “flavors”, assess the existence of possible, and distinct precursors, an examine how the different oceanic and atmospheric processes that drive the different ENSO flavors and impact their predictability would vary in a warming world.

There will be 6...

WCRP and WWRP have established an International Prize for Model Development, awarded annually for an outstanding contribution to weather and climate model development by an early- to mid-career researcher.

More details on eligibility, required nomination material and selection process can be found at http://www.wcrp-climate....

Funding opportunities on "Climate Change Research"

Date of compilation: 21 April 2020.  Please visit the respective webpages to check the deadlines of the calls.  

If there is a call that might be of interest for you and/or you require logistical assistance to prepare the proposal, please contact the International CLIVAR Project office at:...

A meeting report titled 'Climate and Ocean Science Builds for the Future' has just been published in EOS, and it highlights the outcomes of the  second “CLIVAR Open Science Conference: Charting the Course for Climate and Ocean Research' which has been held in Qingdao, China, 18–25 September 2016.

The report documented the major themes of climate research that were showcased as well as...

The CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group (SSG) has endorsed the “International Workshop on Tropical-subtropical Weather, Climate and Oceans”, which will be organised by Sun Yat - sen University of China, on November 18-20, 2017 in Guangzhou, China.The tropical and subtropical regions are important areas...
