
Following the announcement of the CLIVAR-FIO Summer School on: “Past, present and Future Sea level changes”, we received over 200 applications with excellent research experience coming from 39 countries around the world. During the selection process, the Organizing Committee considered the education background as well as the scientific...

Abstracts are now welcomed to be submitted to the WCRP workshop  “The Earth’s Energy Imbalance and its implications” (EEI), which will take place on 13-16 November in Toulouse, France.
The closing date of the abstract submissions is June 22nd.

Please visit the...

60th Year Anniversary of FIO was held on May 18 2018, FIO, Qingdao China. ICPO Executive Director Prof. Jose Santos was invited to give remarks on behalf of the ICPO and all international offices hosted by FIO.

Prof. Jose Santos introduced CLIVAR’s efforts during the...

In its 10th year, the 2018 US AMOC Science Team report captures progress on the main objectives of the program, identifies new programmatic gaps,  provides near- and long-term research priorities, and outlines activities leading up to the sunset of the team. The report is now online (a...

The Early Career Scientists Symposium was held alongside the 2016 CLIVAR Open Science Conference in Qingdao, hosted by the First Institute of Oceanography. The Symposium aimed to capture the ideas of early career researchers on pressing science priorities, immediate challenges, and emerging opportunities to help guide the future evolution of CLIVAR. 135 early career scientist (ECS) from 34...

Ocean salinity is a key parameter that links various elements of the water cycle to ocean circulation dynamics and climate. Furthermore, salinity is a key dynamical parameter that influences oceans dynamics. Through the advent of new observing technologies, remote sensing and in situ, salinity research has gained much attention over the recent years, now leading to rapidly growing new...

The 23rd PIRATA meeting and the 2nd TAOS REVIEW meeting will be organized in Marseille, France from October 22 to 26, 2018. The “Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic” (PIRATA) program provides in situ observations and data time-series since 1997. PIRATA is a major component of the Tropical Atlantic Observing System (TAOS). The...

Have you recently published a paper, or done some cool fieldwork that you would like to share with the rest of the CLIVAR and Early Career Scientist community? 

We are offering you the space ...

The World Climate Research Programme is soliciting offers to host an International Project Office (IPO) to coordinate its cryospheric activities from1st January 2019 onward.

Prospective host institutions and sponsoring organizations are invited to download ...

Registration is open for the 2018 SCOR Annual Meeting, in Plymouth, UK on 4-7 September 2018. The...


Figure: The ‘hierarchy of models’. Configurations may range from a simple aquaplanet design with either fixed SSTs or a simple mixed-layer ocean (a), through simplified continental configurations (b), atmosphere only (c) and coupled atmosphere–ocean configurations (d). Coupling allows for a better representation of how the atmosphere and ocean interact but may also result in...

The WMO/IOC/ICSU Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) held its 39th session in Nanjing, China, on 16-20 April, 2018, hosted by the Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology.

The JSC-39 session aimed to review and approve the overall draft Strategic Plan (format and structure, scientific objectives, emphases...

To address existing challenges in describing and predicting regional sea level changes, and to discuss intrinsic uncertainties, the WCRP Grand Challenge on Regional Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts, jointly with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC), organized an international conference on sea level research that followed 11 years after the first WCRP sea level...


 The Conference venue can host a maximum of 300 participants. In order to avoid disappointment, the Organising Committee strongly encourages early registration.

Abstract Submission...

In the context of WCRP's new Strategy and Implementation Plan  currently being developed, the programme is inviting (self-)nominations for membership in the following six of its expert panels:
