
The CLIVAR / IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Panel has been actively involved in the planning on the 50th Anniversary of the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2), in partnership with IOC Perth Programme Office, the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the...

The Climate and the Cryosphere (CliC) Project and the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) invite applications for a permanent position as Executive Officer for the CliC International Project Office. As a core project of the WCRP, the "Climate and Cryosphere" project encourages and promotes research into the cryosphere and its interactions as part of the global climate system.


Detlef Stammer, CLIVAR SSG co-chair, and several other members of our CLIVAR community have been elected as 2014 AGU Fellows.

Detlef Stammer, CLIVAR SSG co-chair, and several other members of our CLIVAR community have been elected as 2014 AGU Fellows...

The First WCRP-ICTP Summer School on Attribution and Prediction of Extreme Events, also co-organised by CLIVAR, was a success in Trieste. The 35 participants, out of 236 applications, from several countries, had two weeks of interactions with lecturers from leading research institutes around the world.


Participants of the pan-CLIVAR and pan-GEWEX meeting

Over 130 members of CLIVAR panels and guests gathered in The Hague this week (14-19 July) for the first-ever Pan-CLIVAR meeting.  The overall aims of the pan-CLIVAR meeting were to

  • Facilitate internal coordination between CLIVAR activities.
  • Develop ideas and input for new CLIVAR science and implementation plans.
  • Interact with GEWEX and help coordinate...

Professor Tim Palmer, a former member of both TOGA and CLIVAR SSGs, has been awarded the Institute of Physics 2014 Dirac Gold Medal for theoretical physics, for his work on probabilistic weather and climate prediction.

This is a quite a prestigious prize in the field of theoretical physics....

The Hague, The Netherlands
Wednesday, 16 July, 2014 - Friday, 18 July, 2014
Please click to read more

Ocean Modelling solicits manuscripts that document aspects of the CORE-II simulations. Manuscripts should compare simulations across a suite of models, as well as to observational analyses where available. The journal is particularly interested in manuscripts that thoroughly and pedagogically document the state-of-the-science in a particular aspect of global ocean-sea ice modelling available...

The document describes the datasets and protocol for running global ocean-ice climate models according to the CLIVAR Working Group on Ocean Model Development (WGOMD) Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (COREs).


WCRP Sponsors are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. David Carlson as Director of the Joint Planning Staff. Dr. Carlson devoted the majority of his career in coordinating international science. He was the Director of the International Project Office for TOGA in the 90' and of the International Polar Year more recently. The JPS is looking forward to working with him starting from June...

The final report of the WCRP VAMOS/CORDEX Workshop on LatinAmerica and Caribbean CORDEX LAC: Phase II – The Caribbean, hosted by the Oficina Nacional de Meteorologia (ONAMET) at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic during 9-11 April 2014 is now available for donwload.



We are very proud and happy to announce that Stephen Griffies (NOAA/GFDL), SSG member and former long term WGOMD member and Chair, has been awarded the 2014 EGU Fridtjof Nansen Medal for his outstanding contribution and leadership in ocean general circulation model development and critical insights in the physical nature and parameterisation of ocean processes.


Stephen Griffies...

The 2nd International Ocean Research Conference (IORC) will be held next 17-21 November 2014 in Barcelona (Spain). This Conference  is an opportunity for the scientific community to come together to plan the coming decade of international collaboration in marine science and technology, with a view to improving ocean governance.

This conference has an...

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) has set a new milestone by establishing the International CLIVAR Global Project Office (ICGPO) at the First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) of the State Oceanographic Administration (SOA) in the lovely seaside city of Qingdao, China.   This is the first time China hosts...
