
The latest issue of CLIVAR Exchanges,Special Issue on climate over the Iberian Peninsula: an overview of CLIVAR-Spain coordinated science is now available to read and download

Date of compilation: 15 October 2017.  All calls have deadlines during the first semester of 2018. If there is a call that might be of interest for you and/or you require logistical assistance to prepare the proposal, please contact the International CLIVAR Project office at:


Figure 1 (as reproduced from Figure 6 of Le Cozannet et al., 2017): A framework for developing Coastal Climate Services. The middle boxes show areas where research and developments are needed to support the development and operationalization of coastal climate services (After: Monfray and Bley, 2016).


The study of Parvathi and collaborators published in October 2017 in Geophysical Research Letters is the first to assess the influence of global warming on the Indian Winter Monsoon (IWM) by analyzing the present-day and the future simulations from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase-5 (CMIP5). Their results indicate a robust reduction of the IWM wind intensity over the AS by...

Jose Santos and Jing Li from ICPO, were invited to participate in the TPOS2020 Western Pacific Workshop, which took place from Sep 4 to 6, 2017 in Qingdao China. Jose Santos provided a brief presentation highlighting many links between the TPOS 2020 community and CLIVAR. The Pacific Regional Panel of CLIVAR provides a coordination mechanism for Pacific research...

After an extensive search, we would like to welcome the new Director of the International CLIVAR Monsoon Project Office (ICMPO), Dr. MM Ali.

MM Ali obtained his Ph.D. in Meteorology from Andhra University in 1983. He was the Group Director of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences Group, National Remote Sensing Centre (ISRO) in 2012, and ISRO’s Head of Oceanography Division from...

CLIVAR ( is a Core Project of the World Climate Research Progamme (( dedicated to understanding the role of the oceans in the variability, predictability and change of climate.  Each of the Core Projects has an International Project Office that acts as an...

Figure 1: Linear trend in observed [Good et al., 2013] ocean heat content (top 700 m; OHC) during (A) 1994-2004, (B) 2005-2015, and (C) the difference between (B) and (A). Units are °C per year. The thick black box outlined in (C) delineates the SPNA control volume (cf. (D), (E), (F)). (D) Full-depth OHC time series during 1993-2015 from observations (black) [Good et al.,...

Lynne Talley, former SORP co-chair, Distinguished Professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA is the Prince Albert I Medal recipient 2017, for her outstanding contribution to our knowledge of the global ocean's water masses, circulation, dynamics and role in climate.

 Professor Talley is...


The 4th International ENSO Conference: ENSO in a warmer climate will be organised from 16 to 18 October, 2018 at Guayaquil, Ecuador. Abstracts can be submitted via the Conference website from September 2017 until 30th April 2018. Selected contributions will be invited...

Detlef Stammer co-chair of the Scientific Steering Group and Jose Santos Executive Director of the International CLIVAR Project Office visited on 16-18 August the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), in Pune. Both D. Stammer and J. Santos made presentations of their current research on conferences attended...

Annalisa Bracco co-chair of the Scientific Steering Group and Jose Santos Executive Director of the International CLIVAR Project Office attended the 2017 US CLIVAR Summit held at Baltimore in August.  A. Bracco made a presentation of CLIVAR’s highlights and plans for the future. J. Santos had several meetings to...

The call for nominations to CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group (SSG) and CLIVAR panels is now open. Deadline for nominations for appointments starting in 2018 (and 2019 for the SSG) is 20 September 2017, and nominations can be submitted online.

When considering the member nominations, CLIVAR takes into...


The 3rd Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and...
