The CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group (SSG) has endorsed the “International Workshop on Tropical-subtropical Weather, Climate and Oceans”, which will be organised by Sun Yat - sen University of China, on November 18-20, 2017...
DCVP News View
CLIVAR and CIIFEN will co-organise the "IV International Conference on El Niño Southern Oscillation: ENSO in a Warmer Climate" from 16-18 October 2018 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. This conference is a follow-on to the III International Conference on ENSO: “Bridging the gaps between Global ENSO Science...
From July 2 – 6, 2017 the Kiel Cluster of Excellence 'The Future Ocean' will hold a conference...
The latest CLIVAR Exchanges, a special issue for CLIVAR Open Science Conference Award Winners , has just been published! This issue of Exchanges showcases some of high quality research done by young researchers that were presented with outstanding poster awards at the...
The UNESCO/IOC-ODC Training Course on Development of Coupled Regional Ocean Models will be organized in Qingdao, China, from 12 - 23 June, 2017. The course is organized by the UNESCO/IOC Regional Training and Research Center on Ocean Dynamics and Climate (UNESCO/IOC-ODC).
...The 2017 Joint IAPSO-ITAMAS-IAGA Assembly will be organised from 27 August to 1 September 2017 in Cape Town, South Africa. There are 11 Joint Sessions, 44 IAGA Sesssions, 22 IAMAS Sessions and 7 IAPSO Sessions in the Assembly. ...
From January 30th to February 1st, the CLIVAR/IOC GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP) met for its 13th session in Perth, Australia. The main agenda item of the meeting was the (Indian Ocean Observaing System (IndOOS) Review Workshop, jointly organized with SIBER, IRF and IOGOOS. The...
The Group on Earth Observations Oceans and Society: Blue Planet Initiative (GEO Blue Planet) is seeking nominations of ocean and coastal observing experts and ocean and coastal-related service users, ocean and coastal social science and policy experts, industry representatives, non-governmental...
The EGU General Assembly 2017 will be organized from April 23 - 28, 2017 in Vienna, Austria. It will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where...