Soledad Collazo.
Soledad Collazo. she is a third-year Ph. D. student in meteorological Science at University of Buenos Aires. her doctoral thesis topic is about the seasonal forecast of extreme temperature events in Argentina northern of 40°S. her goal is to identify predictors of extreme temperature indices at seasonal scale, such as cold nights and warm days, to then apply several statistical models which will be evaluated to find those that show some ability to predict these extreme indices. she published two papers:
- Rusticucci, Matilde; Barrucand, Mariana; Collazo, Soledad: 2017. Temperature extremes in the Argentina central region and their monthly relationship with the mean circulation and ENSO phases. International Journal of Climatology. Volume 37, Issue 6, May 2017, Pages 3003–3017. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4895.
-Collazo, Soledad; Lhotka, Ondrej; Rusticucci, Matilde; Kyselý, Jan: 2018. Capability of the SMHI-RCA4 RCM driven by the ERA-Interim reanalysis to simulate heat waves in Argentina. International Journal of Climatology. Vol 38: 483–496. DOI: 10.1002/joc.5190