Indian Terms of Reference
1. Provide scientific and technical oversight for a sustained ocean observing system for the Indian Ocean in order to provide ocean observations needed for the research of climate variability and change, and to underpin operational ocean applications and services relevant to the region, particularly with regard to ocean-state estimation and climate prediction.
2. Coordinate, and complete the implementation of the sustained ocean observing system for the Indian Ocean, to: (a) meet the common requirement of CLIVAR research foci and WCRP grand challenge, (b) satisfy the common requirements of GOOS and its modules; and (c) coordinate implementation activities in collaboration with relevant regional and global bodies, in particular IOGOOS and JCOMM.
3. Review and promote frontier multi-disciplinary research themes related to CLIVAR research foci and WCRP grand challenges. Liaise with relevant research panels of CLIVAR for coordinating scientific initiatives.
4. Report to the CLIVAR SSG and to GOOS through the IOC Perth Office.