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WCRP organized a Leadership Meeting (online) on 21st April 2021, with 53 representatives attending the teleconference.
The second session of the WCRP Climate Research Forum “Climate research...
The last telecon of the WCRP Regional Focal Points (RFP) Team for the sub-region of Eastern Asia to discuss the WCRP Climate Research Forum (CRF) in Eastern Asia was organized on 30...
The WCRP Regional Focal Point (RFP) Team for the sub-region of Eastern Asia organized its 5th telecon on 16th March, 2021, with the participation of representatives from the...
The WCRP Regional Focal Points (RFP) Team for the sub-region of Eastern Asia organized its third telecon on 4th February, 2021, with the participation of...
Due to the continuous COVID-19 pandemics around the world, we have decided to postpone again the ...
The Tropical Pacific Observing Needs Workshop will be organized by US CLIVAR on May 24-26, 2021.