2018 Ocean Salinity Science Conference
Ocean salinity is a key parameter that links various elements of the water cycle to ocean circulation dynamics and climate. Furthermore, salinity is a key dynamical parameter that influences oceans dynamics. Through the advent of new observing technologies, remote sensing and in situ, salinity research has gained much attention over the recent years, now leading to rapidly growing new insights. The conference intends to bring together communities working on all aspects of ocean salinity investigations, including analyses undertaken from in situ and satellite observations, numerical models, and data assimilation. This will review most recent results and discuss further progress that is required.
Meeting Objectives
The conference will review progress and ongoing work and will identify next frontiers in the fields of ocean salinity and freshwater cycle science.
In doing so it will focus on recent progress in:
1. Observing ocean salinity
2. Process-based insights from field observations
3. Role of salinity in ocean dynamics
4. Role of salinity in the global freshwater cycle and climate variability
5. Role of salinity in biogeochemistry
6. Aspects of surface freshwater fluxes, run off, and sea ice.
7. Challenges of future salinity observing, remote sensing and in situ.
Local Organizing Committee
Jacqueline Boutin (LOCEAN, France)
Gilles Reverdin (LOCEAN, France)
Susanne Mecklenburg (ESA, IT)
Amaury Larue De Tournemine (CNES, France)
Scientific Committee
Jacqueline Boutin LOCEAN, France
Gilles Reverdin, LOCEAN, France
Roberto Sabia ESA, Italy
Craig Donlon ESA, The Netherlands
Nicolas Reul LOPS/IFREMER, France
Detlef Stammer, Hamburg University, Germany
Ray Schmidt, WHOI, USA
Antonio Turiel, BEC/CSIC, Spain
Gary Lagerloef, ESR, USA
Tony Lee, JPL, USA
Simon Yueh, JPL, USA
Paul Durack, LLNL, USA
Eric Bayler, NOAA, USA
Nadya Vinogradova Camclimate, USA
Jérome Vialard LOCEAN, France
Juliette Mignot LOCEAN, France
Christophe Maes, LOPS, France
Gael Alory, LEGOS, France
Susan Wijffels, CSIRO/WHOI
Lisan Yu WHOI, USA
Yann Drillet, Mercator, France
Kyla Drushka APL, USA
Johannes Karstensen GEOMAR, Germany
Benjamin Rabe AWI, Germany
Rana Fine RSMAS, USA
Are Olsen University of Bergen, Norway
Michael Meredith BAS, UK
Simon Josey, NOC, UK
Benoit Tranchant, CLS, France
Aida Alvera Azcarate, ULG, Belgique
Laurent Bertino (NERSC, Norway)
Matthew Martins (Mettoffice, UK)