The 2nd CLIVAR/GOOS Observation Workshop Organising Committee Telecon
Submitted by Jing Li on Fri, 2021-07-02 09:11
The 2nd telecon of the Organising Committee of the CLIVAR/GOOS workshop titled ‘From global to coastal: Cultivating new solutions and partnerships for an enhanced Ocean Observing System in a decade of accelerating change’ was organised on 24 June 2021. The major outcomes from the telecon were:
- The funds from WCRP, US CLIVAR, and ICTP are generally secured for the workshop, and the organising committee will be notified if there are any changes;
- As the workshop was postponed due to the pandemics, CLIVAR panels are advised to have their panel meetings according to their own schedule (not necessarily to be alongside the workshop), but good representations from CLIVAR panels are expected for this workshop;
- 4 new nominations from CLIVAR panels were approved to join the organising committee, and invitations will be sent by ICPO; while the representative from CLIVAR OMDP and GSOP are still pending, and further discussion will be continued via email;
- More efforts are needed in involving the developing countries, and we need to go beyond the workshop by enabling actions, enhancing coordination and leveraging the support from national governments.
- The committee will meet in every two weeks until the full configuration of the committee is set.