Tropical Atlantic Observing System (TAOS) Review Report
The Tropical Atlantic Observing System (TAOS) review was proposed by the CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel (ARP) and has been organized by the CLIVAR ARP in close cooperation with the PIRATA consortium. The review is intended to evaluate scientific progress since the last review and recommend actions to advance sustained observing efforts in the tropical Atlantic.
The structure of the report is organized with an executive summary that introduces the main societal drivers and provides a summary of the recommendations and where in the report these are more thoroughly discussed. The core text of the report then proceeds in the following order: (1) a concise review of TAOS societal, scientific and operational drivers; (2) a summary of the current TAOS observing network; (3) recommendations on the evolution of the TAOS; (4) information on the actual TAOS data flow and products and recommendations for their evolution; and (5) recommendations on the future governance of the TAOS. More detailed information on the scientific and operational drivers are provided in the Appendices as well as a rationalization of all observing requirements in terms of Essential Ocean and Climate Variables.