
The objective of establishing the international AMOC Task Team under CLIVAR is to facilitate communication, promote international cooperation, and support continuing AMOC research and infrastructures, towards addressing ongoing, pressing science priorities. These have already been defined by the international community (i.e., US AMOC Science Team, UK RAPID_AMOC, OSNAP, SAMOC, AtlantOS, TAOS, etc.). 

Terms of References

  1. To promote and coordinate international collaborations amongst observational and modeling studies
  2. To coordinate international workshops on AMOC science & impact topics (2023?)
  3. To produce a summary report with identified priorities of the AMOC community. 
  4. To improve data and product distribution from AMOC programs
  5. To develop strategies for cost-effective, sustained monitoring of the AMOC (through an assessment of the observing system using Observation System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs)


Name Affiliation Country Role
Eleanor Frajka-Williams National Oceanography Centre (NOC) UK Co-chair
Eric Chassignet Florida State University   USA Co-chair
Maria Paz Chidichimo  Argentine Scientific Research Council (CONICET)  Argentine Member
Gokhan Danabasoglu National Center For Atmospheric Research (NCAR)  USA Member
Brad deYoung Memorial University Canada Member
Rebecca Hummels GEOMAR  Germany  Member
Laura Jackson Met Office  UK  Member
Johannes Karstensen GEOMAR  Germany  Member
Helen Pillar The University of Texas at Austin USA  Member
Sabrina Speich Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique/Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (LMD/IPSL) | OOPC France  Member
Rong Zhang NOAA GFDL USA  Member
Paquita Zuidema University of Miami USA  Member
Mike Patterson US CLIVAR Project Office USA  
Meric Srokosz National Oceanography Centre (NOC)  UK  



Workshop on Meeting AMOC Observation Needs in a Changing Climate (18-20 July 2023, Hamburg, Germany) - New!

  • Quantify the value of AMOC observing. 
  • Define a collective set of observational priorities.
  • Outline a roadmap for future AMOC observing.

AMOC Webinar series (14:00 - 15:30 CEST) New!

Webinar #1: 21st March 2023 (recording) Title: Observations of the boundary currents and AMOC at 11°S - the TRACOS array (slides)
Speaker: Rebecca Hummels (GEOMAR, Germany)
Webinar #2: 18th April 2023 (recording)
Title: Carbon and nutrient transports in the subtropics (slides)
Speaker: Elaine McDonagh (NORCE, Norway)
Title: How do we improve observational-based estimates
and model representations of AMOC? (slides)
Speaker: Gokhan Danabasoglu (NCAR, USA) 
Webinar #3: 23rd May 2023 (registration link)
Title: Freshwater and AMOC in the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre
Speaker: Fiamma Straneo (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA)
Title: Simulation-based approaches for quantitative observing system design
Speaker: Patrick Heimbach (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Webinar #4: 20th June 2023 (registration link
Title: Observing the South Atlantic Meridional overturning circulation at 34.5S
Speaker: Renellys Perez (NOAA, USA)
Title: GOHSnap: Updates from the field 
Speaker: Jaime Palter (University of Rhode Island, USA)

2nd CLIVAR AMOC Task Team Telecon (7 September 2022)

  • Report back from recent AMOC related meetings and projects (US AMOC ST meeting, EuroSea/OceanPredict Workshop, Royal Society Meeting on AMOC, AAORIA Meeting, OSNAP Steering Commitee meeting, AtlantOS AMOC Task Team, SAMOC, etc.)
  • Overview of new projects (ECOP; TiPES)
  • Plans for the future (List of AMOC related activities; a workshop on optimizing AMOC observations, blog posts, etc.)

1st CLIVAR AMOC Task Team Telecon (1 April 2021)

  • Welcome Task Team members on board
  • Introducing the background and Terms of References
  • Discussion on future activities


Jing Li