Atlantic Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference of the Atlantic Region Panel are:
- Identify major emerging scientific issues related to research in Atlantic climate variability, climate change and climate predictability and foster research initiatives in Atlantic climate studies.
- Define the tools required to assess and understand climate variability, climate change and climate predictability of the ocean-atmosphere system within the Atlantic sector.
- Design a strategy to implement these methods, spanning observations, models, experiments and process studies.
- Provide scientific and technical input into the implementation in collaboration, if required and instrumental, with other CLIVAR panels and relevant programs
- Monitor and evaluate progress of the implementation
- Promote and enhance interactions among atmospheric sciences, oceanography, biogeochemistry and paleoclimate communities to further advance interdisciplinary Atlantic climate studies.
- Serve as a forum for the discussion and communication of scientific advances in the understanding of climate variability, predictability and change in the Atlantic region.
- Work with relevant agencies on the distribution and archiving of Atlantic Ocean observations.
- Respond to needs from stakeholders and facilitate the transfer of knowledge of science and applications with respect to Atlantic climate variability and predictability issues.
- Advise and report to the CLIVAR SSG on progress, achievements, new frontiers and impediments.