DPG Summer School - Ocean Physics


Date: 7 - 12 September, 2014,

Location: Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
Organized by
: Prof. Dr. Martin Visbeck (GEOMAR and Kiel University) & Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Roether (Bremen University)
Fees: 200 € full board and accommodation (for DPG* members 100 € )
* The German Physical Society (DPG)
Registration Deadline: 31st May 2014
The target group of the school are postdocs, graduate students, and advanced master students, from all over Europe and beyond, who wish to broaden their understanding of ocean physics. They should preferably be engaged in ocean studies, but work in a neighboring field such as atmospheric physics/meteorology, hydrology, geophysics, and bio- or geo-sciences is also accepted. A prerequisite is an adequate knowledge of basic physics.

Physical ocean processes affect the global distribution and transports of ocean properties, ranging from mass and temperature to the many dissolved substances (salt, nutrients, CO2, etc.). Ocean processes are of particular relevance for the global and regional climate systems, and they set the stage for marine element cycling and the marine ecosystem as a whole. The relevant scales range from vertical ocean mixing (cm) over mesoscale stirring (km) up to the planetary scale of the global ocean circulation. The school strives to provide a broader view of the ocean system from a physical perspective. The participants shall be introduced to the observations, models, theory and analysis methods used by environmental and ocean physicists, and to the present understanding of how the ocean works. Additional topics are the interaction with the global climate and with the marine biogeochemical and ecological systems. Furthermore, the school is to provide orientation in the context of big international research programs, such as CLIVAR and GOOS, and to advance the interaction and collaboration between young scientists active in ocean research.

Lecturers & Topics:

Large Scale and Regional Oceanography
- Introduction to Large-Scale Wind-Driven Circulation, Prof. David Marshall (Oxford Univ.)
- Introduction to Large-Scale Density-Driven circulation, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Roether (Bremen Univ.)
- Introduction to Coastal Dynamics, Prof. Dr. Hans Burchard (IOW Warnemünde)
Regional and Operational Oceanography, Observing Methods
- Polar Oceanography, Prof. Dr. Ursula Schauer (AWI, Bremerhaven)
- Tropical Oceanography, Prof. Dr. Peter Brandt (GEOMAR Kiel)
- Operational Oceanography, Dr. Bernd Brügge (BSH Hamburg)
- Biogeochemical Time Series, Dr. Joanna Waniek (IOW Warnemünde)
Southern Ocean, Global Observing systems and Ocean-Climate Interaction 
- Southern Ocean Circulation, Prof. Dr. Sabrina Speich (Univ. Brest)
- Global Ocean Observing Systems, Prof. Dr. Martin Visbeck (GEOMAR Kiel)
- Ocean and Climate (evening lecture), Dr. Magdalena Balmadesa (ECMWF Reading)
Modeling, Theory, and Small Scale Ocean Physics
- Global and Regional Ocean Modelling, Prof. Dr. Arne Biastoch (GEOMAR Kiel)
- Internal gravity waves and ocean mixing, Prof. Dr. Dirk Olbers (AWI Bremerhaven)
- Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics, Prof. Dr. Carsten Eden (Univ. Hamburg)
- Mixing and the tropical oceans, Dr. Marcus Dengler (GEOMAR Kiel)
Ocean Biochemistry 
- CO2 in the Ocean, Prof. Dr. Reiner Schlitzer (AWI Bremerhaven)
- Ocean Biogeochemistry, Prof. Dr. Dieter Wolf-Gladrow (AWI Bremerhaven)

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