WCRP Secretariat & IPOs Telecon in January 2021
Submitted by Qian Zhao on Fri, 2021-01-22 01:47

The 1st WCRP Secretariat & IPOs telecon in 2021 was organized on 21st January, with the participation of representatives from the IPOs of CLIVAR, CORDEX, SPARC, S2S, CORA, YESS and WCRP Secretariat. The major outcomes of the telecon are:
- Welcome Helene Asbjørnsen (CliC Office), Hyung-Jin Kim (S2S IPO) and Anna Eronn (CORDEX IPO);
- Decisions and report of JSC-41B will be shared soon. The outcomes of the WCRP Leadership Meeting, which was organized on 19th February 2021, are in consistence with JSC-41B decisions. One of the common issues is to strengthen the internal communications within WCRP;
- As part of the WCRP regional consultation process, the WCRP Climate Research Forums (CRF) are now being prepared in different regions with different paces. Besides the brief introduction to WCRP to be made either by Detlef or Helen, the design of the CRFs is at the disposal of the regions. The first CRF will be organized on 10th February 2021 in Oceania (register), in collaboration with the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS); and the one for Eastern Asia is scheduled on 16th March 2021, with the secretariat support from ICPO;
- WCRP Communications:
- A cooperative space on the WCRP website is proposed to be developed to enable different components of WCRP to share their sciences and achievements, and leverage more impacts.
- Brochures for WCRP LHAs and new structure are being prepared.
- Different platforms for online events are being explored by WCRP Secretariat and IPOs;
- The Update on travel and other support / WMO financial situation and the updates from the IPOs were also discussed;
- The next telecon will be organized in early March, and CORDEX IPO will be the coordinator.
The main messages conveyed from ICPO to the meeting were:
- The CLIVAR SSG-26 will be organized online from 8-12 March 2021, agenda is being finalized and invitations will be sent in coming weeks;
- The WCRP-CLIVAR Workshop on Climate Interactions among the Tropical Basins will be organized online from 24 to 26 February 2021, with the support from US CLIVAR and UCAR;
- CLIVAR Exchanges special issue on ‘India's Monsoon Mission’ and GEWEX Quarterly on the Monsoons were published, coordinated by the CLIVAR/GEWEX Monsoons Panel;
- CLIVAR participated in the DITTO (Digital Twins of the Ocean) proposal for the UN Ocean Decade, which is coordinated by Martin Visbeck, GEOMAR.