OMDP organized a series of teleconferences in October

The CLIVAR Ocean Model Development panel organized a series of virtual meetings on 6th and 8th October, 2020. The panel reviewed the outcomes in the past few years, discussed the future science direction especially in the context of the new WCRP structure, and other business of the panel.
OMDP has been pushing forward the development of ocean circulation model through identifying the challenges and prospects in ocean circulation models (Fox-Kemper et al. 2019; Griffies et al. 2010), organizing the Co-ordinated Ocean-Ice Reference Experiments (CORE-I and CORE-II) and the newest variants, the Ocean Model Intercomparison Projects (OMIP-1 and OMIP-2). The panel was involved in the coordinated development of forcing datasets: CORE-I (Large & Yeager, 2004), CORE-II (Large & Yeager, 2009), and now JRA55-do (Tsujino et al. 2018), Since last year, OMDP has built protocols for comparing ocean-sea ice models at high-resolution and low resolution (Chassignet et al., 2020), and protocols for comparing ocean model parameterizations (Li et al., 2019).
Task being discussed during the meeting are as follows:
- Based on these protocols and previous successes, OMDP will continue leading the ocean model community to engage in intercomparison of model resolution and parameterizations, the follow-up studies have been emphasized during the telecon.
- Other aspects of the research topic were also discussed such as the process-oriented study, the polar processes, coupled simulation, Adopt-a-crossover mission, etc.
- In the future, OMDP will build sub-teams based on the discussion during the telecon, and start the corresponding study soon after the meeting.
- Will enhance the relationship with CLIVAR regional panels and seek articulation with communities out CLIVAR, such as COMMODORE and WGNE.
- How to better map onto the WCRP LightHouse Activities.
- The workshop on Future Directions in Basin and Global High-resolution Ocean Modelling will be held on Sept 29-Oct 1, 2021, Kiel.