[New Paper Release] A Global Overview of Marine Heatwaves in a Changing Climate


We are excited to announce the publication of a new paper by the Marine Heatwaves in the Global Ocean Research Foci Group, titled:

                                                  "A Global Overview of Marine Heatwaves in a Changing Climate".

This comprehensive article provides a review of advances in understanding marine heatwaves (MHWs) and their increasing impacts on marine ecosystems

worldwide. Marine heatwaves have become a major concern due to their profound effects on ocean ecosystems, fisheries, and coastal communities. The

paper explores the three-dimensional structure and evolution of these extremes, their drivers, their connection with other extremes in the ocean and

over land, future projections, and assessment of their predictability and current prediction skill.

The paper is published in Communications Earth & Environment, you can read the full paper here: [Read the article]

Stay tuned for more updates from the Marine Heatwaves in the Global Ocean Research Foci.