The CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel Telecon in June
The CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel had its quarterly telecon via a GoToMeeting on June 8, 2020. All ARP members participated in the telecon except for Kemgang Ghomsi Franck Eitel. Many topics were covered during the 80-mins telecon, including: the update on the CLIVAR-FIO Summer School; the establishment of an AMOC Task Team; the Tropical Atlantic Observing System (TAOS) Review; the EUREC4A-OA and ATOMIC field experiments; the AtlantOS program; the CLIVAR Tropical Basin Interaction (TBI) Research Foci; the UN Decade of Ocean Science; the OOPC’s follow up of OceanObs’19 Living Action Plan; and the Pan-CLIVAR workshop and panel meeting in Trieste 2021. The updates from WCRP JSC-41, ARP membership and potential near-future topics for ARP were also discussed. The major outputs from the telecon are:
- The CLIVAR-FIO Summer School on ‘Ocean Macroturbulence and Its Role in Earth’s Climate’ will be rescheduled to 12-17 July 2021.
- ARP proposed that the AMOC Science Team would benefit from being developed as a cross-panel CLIVAR activity;
- The Executive Summary for the TAOS Review draft is at its final stage. Comments will be sought, together with those for the revised TAOS Review Report, when these documents are completed;
- More than 200 scientists participated in the EUREC4A-OA and ATOMIC experiment in the northwest tropical Atlantic that took place in January-February 2020 ( and The teams are now validating and calibrating the collected data, writing campaign overviews and data papers, and have started brainstorming collectively to address the scientific analyses of the observations and the parallel modelling effort;
- Besides the case studies selected in the AtlantOS international program (, there is also interest in developing basin scale observation architectures through bringing together a wider range of programmes and activities, approaches, and linking more closely to the societal needs and benefits;
- The 1st Tropical Basin Interactions workshop in late fall of 2020 is being prepared;
- ARP members are involved in the ‘A predicted Ocean’ portion of the UN Decade of Ocean Science overview;
- A series of Webinars will be organised by OOPC in late 2020. Relevant Community White Papers from OceanObs’19 will be reviewed to identify the areas of planning and implementation of global ocean observations that benefit from targeted webinars;
- Five “Lighthouse Activities” are being developed by WCRP, which have strong linkage with ARP activities;
- Given the social impact of climate-influenced extreme events within the Atlantic Ocean (such as hurricanes), it might be important for ARP to address those basin-scale processes with a pronounced impact on the coastal regions.