Check out the list of US CLIVAR-relevant sessions and other events for 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting
The 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting will be held February 16-21 in San Diego, California. A list of US CLIVAR-sponsored sessions along with Town Halls, events, workshops, and other sessions that may be of interested to the US CLIVAR community was put together. The list is being regularly updated until September 11, 2019. For more information, please refer to the US CLIVAR webpage.
You may be interested in the following US CLIVAR sponsored session.
PC001 - Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: An on-going challenge
Session ID#: 84627
Session Description:
We invite contributions from observational (instrumental or proxy) and modelling studies of the AMOC and its impacts on climate on all time scales.
- OM - Ocean Modeling
- PS - Physical Oceanography: Mesoscale and Smaller
Index Terms:
4262 Ocean observing systems [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
4263 Ocean predictability and prediction [OCEANOGRAPHY: GENERAL]
4805 Biogeochemical cycles, processes, and modeling [OCEANOGRAPHY: CHEMICAL]