[Call for Abstracts] CLIVAR-related sessions at EGU2022
The EGU General Assembly 2023 is going to be held in Vienna, Austria and online on 23-28 April. The call for abstracts is open until 10 January 2023, 13:00 CET. In preparation for the meeting, we have compiled a list of sessions that are relevant to the community and convened by CLIVAR Panels, Research Foci and community members. The list of sessions is not intended to be exhaustive but to help digest the collection of the hundreds of sessions and events. If you would like to have your session(s) included in the list, please email to qian.zhao@clivar.org. To know more information about the meeting, please visit: https://www.egu23.eu/.
Sessions convened by the CLIVAR community:
CL2.2 ENSO and Tropical Basins Interactions: Dynamics, Predictability and Modelling
Convener: Dietmar Dommenget
Co-conveners: Sarah Ineson, Fred Kucharski, Nicola Maher, Yann Planton
Convener: Myriel Vredenborg
Co-conveners: Yevgeny Aksenov, Céline Heuzé, Yufang Ye, Morven Muilwijk
OS1.9 Under cover: The Southern Ocean’s connection to sea ice and ice shelves
Convener: Nadine Steiger
Co-conveners: Stefanie Arndt, Tiago Dotto, Moritz Kreuzer, Torge Martin
AS1.24 Monsoon systems in the past and present and under future climate change
Convener: Andrew Turner |
Co-conveners: Roberta D Agostino, Kyung-Ja Ha, Jianping Li
OS1.3 The ocean surface mixed layer: multi-scale dynamics and ecosystems in a changing climate
Convener: Anne Marie Tréguier
Co-conveners: Baylor Fox-Kemper, Sinikka Lennartz, Francois Massonnet
CL4.5 Understanding sea level changes: global to local, from past to future
Convener: Svetlana Jevrejeva
Co-conveners: Carolina M.L. Camargo, Julius Oelsmann, Mélanie Becker, Marta Marcos
Sessions related to CLIVAR activities
OS1.7 Understanding the Indian Ocean’s past, present and future
CR3.2 Ice-sheet and climate interactions
AS1.3 Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prediction, Processes and Impacts
OS1.2 Air-sea interactions through modeling and observation on multiple temporal and spatial scales
OS1.5 The North Atlantic: natural variability and global change